Pictures of Lilly
Lilly has settled in beautifully, shes now worm and flea free and has had her first vaccination, and she is putting on loads of weight and getting visibly larger every day, I cant belive how fast shes growing:smile:, she has the whole family totally where she wants us, and shes even made friends with two out of the three original moggies and the remaining one is coming round to the idea that she lives here now. Anyway now for the piccies:smile:.
Super cute, she looks very gentle. Thanks for sharing
OMG she is seriously cute, so pretty and lovely colours. Thanks for sharing:smile:
Pictures of Lily
Bless,she looks a little sweetheart....
I agree she looks so gentle and sweet. Thanks for sharing the pictures ! :)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Lilly you are so cute & dont forget you know where I am if your mummy dosent spoil you rotten :LOL:
Aww so sweet, such a pretty girl. My two love the back of the sofa too
she is sooooo cute ...jealous yet again x
Thankies for all the lovely comments I will pass them on to the little princess herself:smile:.
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