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  1. #1
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bristol UK
    Thanked 109 Times in 106 Posts

    My little Poppy's been attacked :(

    This morning when I got up Poppy was in the conservatory where she usually is in the morning curled up on the chair, she got up when I went out for my morning coffee and ciggy and was lifting her paw up, she couldn't stand on it. Her pad had a large cut, it looked really painful, and on her leg was another mark. I rang the vet and took her straight down. He said it looks like she'd been in a fight, which unfortunately is only too common for her. He said it was too big to have been from another cat, more likely to have been from a fox or even a badger ? She is a fiesty madam with other animals as Harry knows only too well, she won't attack him but warns him with a hiss if he gets too close.

    The vet gave her three injections, one was a painkiller, the other an anti-biotic, don't know what the third was for, and has given me two tablets to give her tomorrow, again painkiller and anti-biotic, which will be fun - not ! I have to take her back monday morning, he's going to see whether she needs to be kept in and cleaned up if it hasn't improved.

    It's amazing really how cats seem to know somethings wrong, Harry, who is twice the size of her now is so gentle compared to her and she always scares him off, but he didn't attempt to try and wind her up and was quite happy to let me pick her up and cuddle her, when normally he is very jealous and vocal.

    Having said all that she is still crying to get out, she really hates being inside, so what can you do !




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