I cant beleve that this was Louie in february
& this was him the othe night :rofl:
Our loast MC seemed to take ages to grow his ruff but Louie looks like farther chrismas already :rofl:
He has got an amazing ruff, much better than Simba's. He seems to have got lighter in colour too or is that just the light?
That is quite a coat and ruff on Louis for his age. Not all MCs seem to ever get such impressive ruffs, though, and I will say again how climate can make a big difference in the coat/ruff. We are in a hot summer climate, and despite being in A/C, the cats have much thinner coats and little ruff during the summer (now). The MC mix we had that spent time outside during the winter would develop a huge ruff and coat. Very impressive. The first winter we started feeding him while he was a stray outside, we had a heating pad for him, but he spent the night on it only when the overnight temp dropped below 15 degrees f (that is -9 c). Otherwise, his coat was sufficient to keep him warm! So keep your houses cool during the winter if you want to see a great coat. :LOL:
He's near enough white or very very pale grey but darker on top with a lovely pale stripey bit down his back :smile: It has been realy hot here & was dry up untill a few weeks ago & he spends most of his time out in the rain so maybe that has made his coat grow :LOL: no signs of his adult coat arriving still very fluffy especially his pants, I hope he gets it soon :smile:
Nicki, he is looking fab, that is one impressive ruff !!
NCarver, great pictures, it is great to see how they change and in such a relatively short period of time. He is looking great too !
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