Here is my third son... Dyman at 5 months old.
Just received these photos from the breeder.
Another 17 weeks to go before he leaves Poland for Singapore. :smile:
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Here is my third son... Dyman at 5 months old.
Just received these photos from the breeder.
Another 17 weeks to go before he leaves Poland for Singapore. :smile:
He's coming on lovely, beautiful markings. I think he's going to have a ruff judging by picture one, especially if he's only 5 months old now. Every day is a day closer, it's nice for you to have pictures of him growing.
He is looking so handsome - 17 weeks will be agonizing, but will hopefully go quickly. Any idea what weight he is now? My MC's just over 5 months old so I'm curious to know how she compares.
He looks a very handsome fella,patience being a virtue sure comes into play here,we didn't get our silver boy until he was four months because of going on holiday & we didn't think it fair to have him for a week & then go back to the breeder for another two but at least I was able to go & see him for cuddles as she lived within walking distance of me,think I would have cancelled the holiday otherwise...
Will be great to see more pictures of him when he arrives.
Aww he is growing into a really handsome boy. I hope the weeks fly by for you
I am sooooo happy!!!!!!!
Today, I received Dyman's rabies serology report and I can now go to AVA head office to submit the forms and reserve a space for his quarantine.
Added a few new pixs taken on 28 August (@ 6 months old) in my gallery.
Another 13 weeks to wait for his arrival.
Cheers!!!! :)
Beautiful boy!!! x
He is just stunning - feel free to let him do a little detour via the UK first!!!
Awwwwwwwwwwww he is a handsome fella, he will soon be with you :smile:
I received new pixs of Dyman this morning..... he will be 8 months old in 11 days time.
No idea what his current weight is... but he was 5.20kg at 6.5 months old.
Keeping my fingers crossed hoping plans are as scheduled; in exactly 6 weeks from today, he'll be arriving in Singapore!
I am soooooooo anxious and excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
The breeder is trying to get Dyman to fly out from her hometown instead of from Warsaw (which was how Merlin was sent to me).
With Merlin, he traveled by car to Warsaw from the breeder's hometown which took about 4 hours. Then from Warsaw to Frankfurt; around 2 hours by air if I remember correctly. Then Frankfurt direct to Singapore; another 12 hours.
Merlin, who was 4 months old then, had no problem with the long flight when I picked him up from the airport cargo section. I just hope Dyman will not be too stressed out when he arrives.
Oh my word,looks like my Shimba laying there,really long in the body & a luv bug,lucky you,must be getting really excited,I do admire you for the patience you must have in waiting so long for him,look forward to more pictures.....
He looks fantastic. You must be over the moon.
Only six more weeks of anticipation...:smile:
I know I say this everytime you update the photo's but he really is good looking, I really like his muzzle and colouring. Seems mad to wait so long to finally see him in the fur but he's clearly worth the wait. You've been so patient, this last 6 weeks will be a walk in the park. Can't wait to see photo's when he's settled in at your home.
Thank you everyone with such nice compliments about Dyman.
Yes, it is indeed difficult having to wait since March. Another 6 weeks to wait is like a walk in the park for me. The next hurdle would be the 30 day quarantine.
If ever a fourth kitty gets to own me..... I'll have to look to the UK or Norway (without the 6 months of waiting after the rabies vaccination and no quarantine upon arrival).
crazycoons It is a divine child!
I wish you patience in waiting for this miracle!
Please tell me, he will definitely need this quarantine? And where is all this time will be a child?Quote:
The next hurdle would be the 30 day quarantine.
We do not have ...:001_unsure:
Today is THE day...... count down.... another 7 hours and Dyman will land in Singapore!!!!!
He will turn 39 weeks old tomorrow.
I hardly slept last night due to the excitement!
Will try to take some pixs as the airport cargo/pick-up section is restricted.
He has such a lovely expression , a very kind looking and handsome coonie
Hope he has a good flight & you dont have to wait around for his lost toys etc :LOL:
How does the 30 day quarantine work? Does he have to stay in like a kennel of sorts at a vet for that long? That seems like quite a while...
Thank you :)
I hope so too.... :)
Been busy preparing a small care package for him as he will be spending tonight at the airport quarantine office before being transferred to the animal quarantine station tomorrow morning.
I'll be leaving for the airport in less than 2 hours time... and my hands and feet are getting moist from being too anxious!!!!!!!!!!
The 30 day quarantine (costing USD$800) starts the minute I hand him over to the airport quarantine office this late afternoon. He will be transferred to the animal quarantine station first thing tomorrow morning and I can go visit him in the late afternoon starting tomorrow.
He will be caged inside a 'cattery room' sized (1.7m x 1.2m x 2.0m) [5.5 ft x 4ft x 6.5 ft] by himself.
Dog kennel is made up of an indoor room and an outdoor run (4.3m x 1.8m x 2.4m) [14 ft x 6ft x 8 ft]. Cattery rooms are very tiny comparing to dog kennels... the charges are the same for dog kennels and cattery rooms which I don't feel is fair at all.
The worst thing is he will be given ANOTHER rabies vaccination tomorrow morning as soon as he arrives at the animal quarantine station. He already had one rabies vaccination when he was 3 months old and now he is being forced to have another vaccination at 9 months old... cannot be good for the poor kitty :(
I bet you are bouncing around as he is on the last stage now. Poor kitty though having made the journey he's now got to have another jab, but first he will get a cuddle from his new mummy. I will think of you today meeting him you have been waiting soooooooo long. Big kisses to hin. Hx
If I had read the postings further I wouldn't have had to use fingers & toes to count up to see if you would have Dartagan home for xmas,so pleased for you & that handsome boy,hugs & kisses to him from all of us as well ,can't wait to see more pictures of him x
I am about to cry.................
Dyman's documents were accidentally switched somewhere in Frankfurt. The airport quarantine office here in Singapore will detain Dyman indefinitely until I can produce his original documents!!!!!!!!!!!
They told me that they would hold back for as long as they can until the original documents arrive OR ELSE, they would not only administer the rabies vaccination but all the other vaccinations as well!!!!
I was too distraught to want to take photos of Dyman as he was already soooo stressed and scared.
I have already contacted the breeder to get the vet to issue another set of documents and send it via DHL to me.
This is too awful. That poor young creature, plucked from his family and confined to a box. What a dreadful trauma for him. I hope those documents arrive soon. And I'm sure you will make it up to him when you get him home. Keep us posted!
When I spoke to the breeder about this, she was in tears!!!! which in turn made me cry as well.
I had to take a sedative to calm my nerves as I had to handle phone calls to and from the original recipient of the intended documents who is now in possession of Dyman's documents somewhere in Germany.
Air freight companies involved with the switch are getting blasted left and right by the breeder over in Poland.
Crazycoons, that's devastating news. You two have had to wait so long to meet already - so Dyman's documents have been located? Hopefully, the delivery company can get them redelivered ASAP and get you back on track. Hopefully Dyman's nerves might settle down a little too - he'd just had a long flight and would have naturally been disoriented. Fingers crossed this won't delay things too much, and I agree with Howlinbob - you'll make up for lost time when he's finally home. Hugs in the meantime xx
Oh sh***!!!
Poor Dyman, poor you!
Those careless, thoughtless people who were so sloppy with the documents... they can't be blasted enough IMHO.
Can't the vet email scans of the new certificates? Or isn't that valid in law? It would be faster than DHL.
Big hugs, and keep up the courage, he'll be in your arms soon enough.
Oh bless,sending out vibes to give you both strength x
Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes...
I could not sleep last night.... for obvious reasons.
This morning I telephoned the vet doctor at the airport quarantine office and explained the whole mess to him.
He told me that Dyman will go through his 30 day quarantine as scheduled. All required vaccinations for him will be put on hold until I have this mess sorted out within this 30 day quarantine period. He told me that he already given Dyman a check-up and he is doing fine.
Dyman will be transferred to the animal quarantine station from the airport quarantine office within the next hour.
My daily visitation starts today.... will post pixs upon my return.
PS: Still no news of where the original documents are located at the moment.
At least it sounds like a sensible vet is looking after him, what a relief his check up went well.
Good luck with the carrier company they are the bane of my working life (I am a buyer for a wholesaler) and I have spent many hours trying to trace items
Have a great visit and enjoy your first hugs.
OMG thank hevens you managed to sort out the mess, just awful. Enjoy your visit & give him a huge hug from us xxx