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  1. #1
    Active Cat
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Herefordshire UK
    Thanked 3 Times in 3 Posts

    Does one MC lead to another?

    I have only been on this forum for a very short time, and Ive noticed that most of you have dont just have one MC!! I realise that some of you must be breeders, so of course you would have more than one or 2!! When I was doing research into Mcs before having Oscar, I read a few different articles that said once you had one, then you would have to have another, and my breeder also said that they were very addictive, I am finding this to be very true, and I have only had Oscar for two weeks!! (although I did have an MC cross before, but she was more MC in looks than personality) What I was Intrested in knowing, was there a defining moment where your first MC did something really cool or cute, and you said to yourself, Oh yeah Ive got to have another!? I would love to read your stories!




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