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Carboard city falls...
For a whole week Shimba has spent every spare minute in his wonderful carboard city
home,even had to remove him manually to go for his supper & bed,his brother Welly used to pounce on top to try & entice him out but it never worked,unforunately Welly pounced once too often & as Shims was not in at that particular moment the box flattened & was subjected to rather a bashing from all the other cats & would stand no more.
At this moment in time I am trying {unsuccessfully as to now} to pursuade my brother another lovely boquet from Interflora would make two of us in this household very happy again.....
Haha! Don't they just love a box? What a handsome boy, looks like he only just fits in there! I get a Riverford Organics delivery every fortnight and their boxes are absolutely ideal for the lads as they have 2 fingerholes on either side so that you can pick it up easily. As you can imagine paws and toys go shooting through the holes and eventually the box gets flipped over! I'm supposed to give the boxes back every week but I usually forget....
we just got a new litter tray & it is HUGE Louie had a great time in the box untill Banjo jumped in it :suprised: then of course Holly wanted to be in to so it got flatend, to be honest it was takeing up most of the house anyway :LOL:
At the weekend to their great disgust we finally threw out the box that the litter tray had come in, they have now got a smaller box that the cat litter came in but they looked as though they had been told that Santa is not coming!
:LOL: sooo funny! he is so cute! :LOL:
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