We are less than 24hours from getting James and Penny. We are excited as new parents are about a baby (or two!).
While it is fun setting up the new litter box, putting out their little dishes and such, I'm faced at the same time with a friend who's new kittens are both sneezing and coughing. They aren't acting ill otherwise, but colds are icky.
And today I learned another friend has a kitty in the hospital with an unknown liver problem that is likely going to claim her :cry:
It's one thing to have something like age or geriatric conditions force you to make the final decision, but when they are taken away by something that has no rhyme or reason to it, it's so painful. :sad2:
Please keep a kitten named Ryoku in your thoughts/prayers.
Loads of positive healing vibes going to Ryoku :sad2: x
I'll definately keep little Ryoku in my mind... It's so unfair when some unexpected disease threatens to take your beloved pet away from you...
I always have a hard time feeling completely excited and happy about something positive that's happening to me while friends are so troubled...
But let the arrival of James and Penny bring some positive energy and comfort these days!!
Having poorly pets is very stressful. One of the main reasons I've decided to give up rat keeping and have MCs instead is the constant vet visits (rats aren't the healthiest of creatures). I seem to be at the vets with them at least every couple of months. I know there is still a chance of illness with cats, but I'm hoping it won't be so bad (and at least I can get insurance for cats, which you can't for rats).
I hope Ryoku is OK.
Having been through the loss of Alice at only 8 months from FIP, I know how awful it is when a kitten that has had no real life at all is claimed by illness. Keeping Ryoku in my thoughts and sending healing energies her way.
Positive thoughts for Ryoku & lots of cuddles for James & Penny,know what you are going to be doing for the most of tomorrow & it will not include getting the housework or the garden done.....So pleased for you x
Small update for those following:
My friend said that the vet contacted him and stated that Ryoku is now using her litter box, instead of just going where she was laying, and that she seems a little more active. Not much of an improvement in her circumstance, but it is definitely something.
Let's hope that this really means that Ryoku is making small steps forward!!
This message was sent out earlier from Kevin, Ryoku's owner:
"Ryoko just got home from the vet! She's not out of the woods yet, but she's feeling much better, so hopes are high!"
This is great news. :)
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