Had a bit of a shock today. Larry fell out of a tree. He got up and walked off, and has been behaving just as normal since, so it looks like there's no harm done. But crikey, I couldn't believe my eyes. He has climbed this tree before and got down OK, but not this time. I was standing there watching him clamber about when he lost his footing and fell down. I should have reached out to break his fall but it was all over so quickly, I guess I froze in horror. He was up high - about 9 or 10 feet? Well above my head. The tree is a tall conifer so maybe the other branches slowed his fall. But he fell onto the patio and clipped a plant pot on his way down. I got him into the house where he paced up and down the windowsill howling at the rest of us still in the garden, 'it's not fair!' He has eaten all his tea and has been up to his usual naughty tricks this evening, so I hope he's had a lucky escape.
Should I let him learn from his mistake, or should I now ban him from climbing trees?