What I love about my MC
This is our first MC (kitty) and he is so adorable... What I love most about him is:
* the way he follows us everywhere from room to room.
* the way he rolls about when I come home to greet him and he responds with a huge (well for a MC) meeeooow
*the way he jumps on my stomach, puts his whiskas on my cheek and goes 'brrrrt' to wake me in the morning
* the way he extends and opens up his paws for cuddle time
*the way he carries his jolly moggy toy in his mouth wherever he goes - even to his litter!
* his funny fascination with water - trying to drink it from my glass, splashing it everywhere
* how he will never eat part 2 of his dinner until he inspects what we are having first.
They are just adorable, kind, loving little beings who bring such joy to your life!
They are lovely!! Oscar also drinks from a glass, and I love the way he greets me first thing in the morning, and says goodnight at the end of the day :)
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I love their intelligence, we had a blue and white boy who from kittenhood would purposefully climb as high as he could and then sneeze over my husbands food so he would get a tasty titbit.
I love the way MC's are able to communicate with us one glance from my stud boy says more than most people can manange.
There are so many things they do, Maine Coons are just simply wonderful cats
So true, Candes. Some of our most hardened dog-loving cat-shunning friends have said, 'I don't like cats, but I like yours' !!!!!!!
Things I like about our MC's:
-they are power sleepers. When they are out, they. are. *out*. They look like a random stuffed animal just tossed onto the sofa. :rofl:
-hearing the "thunder" as they race around upstairs playing.
-James has this cooing sound that he does a lot, far more than Penny. But it's so neat!
-Their fur is soooo soft.
-lots more stuff. :D
Aside from a couple of things that other posts have mentioned (i.e. following me from room to room; making a real fuss of me when I get in from work etc), the things I love about Freyja - the things that just fill my heart with the nicest feeling - include:
- watching her race down the stairs before me when it's time for breakfast, and seeing her front legs do all the work with the back legs just 'bouncing' from one step to the next, tail straight in the air
- watching her get to the bottom of the first stair case and doing her little 'stretch' ritual... first down on her front toes, bum in the air; then stretching out her back legs right behind her; then putting front poors on her scratching post and stretching her belly as low as she can to the floor
- when she jumps off her Tigga Tower to say hello to me when I'm working from home - I get a little warning prrrrp to let me know she's heading my way, then she thuds onto my desk, gives me a couple of head bumps under my chin and flops down against my chest, using my arm as a pillow while I type (deadline's obviously don't feature in a Coonie's head)
- playing peekaboo with me (now that I realise it's a perfectly normal game to play with an MC and it's stopped giving me the willies!)
- watching her try to climb up the kitchen cupboards when she knows I'm getting her a viamin drink, and she's too impatient to wait until it's in her bowl and on the floor
- the cunning, sneaky, but not-very-subtle methods she adopts to nick rice pudding, despite the undignified reaction she had to it the last time she had some
She's got 4 different sounds she makes on a regular basis - there's the prrrrp that curls up at the end, which I get with a good morning slurp on my cheek; there's the prrrrrrrrrp that has just one note, and tends to be used when she's in psychokitty mode - you get it every time you speak to her, and every time she changes direction; then there's the plaintive and pathetic meoooooooowwwww, reserved generally for either first site of the cat carrier, or to lull us downstairs to play hide and seek; and the more common meeeeeeeeow greeting when I've been out for a few hours. More recenlty, she's also developed what can only be described as a barking noise - really odd, never heard a cat do it before - generally heard when in psychokitty mode, and often if she's cornered something, we now get a pprrrrrrrp (all in one pitch), followed immediately by a rrrruffff which curls up at the end - pprrrrrrprrrruffff. It is like listening to a dog that's got his bits caught in something, and is endearing and hysterical at the same time.
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