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  1. #1
    Active Cat
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Thanked 10 Times in 10 Posts

    What I love about my MC

    This is our first MC (kitty) and he is so adorable... What I love most about him is:
    * the way he follows us everywhere from room to room.
    * the way he rolls about when I come home to greet him and he responds with a huge (well for a MC) meeeooow
    *the way he jumps on my stomach, puts his whiskas on my cheek and goes 'brrrrt' to wake me in the morning
    * the way he extends and opens up his paws for cuddle time
    *the way he carries his jolly moggy toy in his mouth wherever he goes - even to his litter!
    * his funny fascination with water - trying to drink it from my glass, splashing it everywhere
    * how he will never eat part 2 of his dinner until he inspects what we are having first.

    They are just adorable, kind, loving little beings who bring such joy to your life!




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