Had the Wii out yesterday so thought I would weigh are little kitten, 13lb me thinks we are going to need wheels on the carrier soon :LOL:
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Had the Wii out yesterday so thought I would weigh are little kitten, 13lb me thinks we are going to need wheels on the carrier soon :LOL:
That's pretty impressive - nearly 6kg at 9 months old. My old stud boy and his son were exactly the same but then they seemed to stop growing for quite a while so perhaps some of them do have a bit of a growth spurt.
Send some of that weight over here to Storm though please....he could do with fattening up a little!!
Sounds good to me!!
Thought the same about Harry's fur too, it's getting soooo thick, I used to brush him probably once or twice a week, seems almost daily lately, he goes through scruffy stages, then it looks ok for a bit, guess that's all part of the growing/developing thing. My little dsh Poppy I swear is shrinking, she probably isn't it's just the "furball" aka Harry is getting fluffier ! He got a super ruff coming now, will have to post some more pictures when I get time.
Louie is a real scruff bag :LOL: we can brush/combe him till the cows come home walk away & he just looks as bad, I think he's starting to get his proper fur now well on his tail anyway so hopefully he wont be as bad. Our last MC only needed grooming every other week but he was a brown tabby maybe they are different.
Louie is getting to be a good size...
Hmmm... I've been slack... we got Gryfn weighed about a month ago now and he weighed in at 5.8kg.
and I also have the problem with gryn when he gets brushed... he always looks like a scruff bag! :rofl:
I dont think it is the brown tabby that makes it easier
Sarah is a brown tabby and she is always a scruff - even after brushing and brushing - not so bad now she is shorter but when it was long she always looked like she had had a fright
Zack so far appears to keep his hair in the appropriate order - will see what happens when the kitten coat goes!!
When I brush Larry he always comes up beautifully. But Monty tends to look like he's got greasy hair and it needs a wash! It's a little better after a brushing, but still his belly, chest and around the ears look greasy. But as for giving him a bath...I don't think so!
I have no idea how you guys are keeping them still long enough to get a brush through their coats. Freyja's not scared of the brush, but seeing as everything in my house is really there for her to amuse herself with, she insists in chewing the damn thing... she lulls me into a false sense of security by letting me run the brush over her whilst she's lounging on her TT and then decides it's really a toy and tries to sink her teeth into it. She's the same with the comb. And although she's frequently on her back, legs akimbo, providing fantastic brushing opportunities, I can't get near her. What's bothering me is that right now, she's never had a single mat, but looking at Louie-Louie and HeatherMC, I can guess that I'll have to get a brush through her coat regularly in about four months time. Anyone got any tips or tricks? I've got four months to train!!