Cruel cat woman named and shamed | The Sun |News
This is a shocking story of a lady caught on camera dumping a cat into a wheely bin. Copy and paste the link above for the full story. Absolutely horrified!
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Cruel cat woman named and shamed | The Sun |News
This is a shocking story of a lady caught on camera dumping a cat into a wheely bin. Copy and paste the link above for the full story. Absolutely horrified!
I've been reading about this too and it is horrifying what some people will do to cats. Luckily, she was caught though, which I doubt she ever thought she would be.
Just glad the cat was found and escaped unhurt.
:grr: there are some nasty people in this world :pissed:
this has been pasted all over face book and if what I have read is to be believed nothing is going to be done not by the police and or the RSPCA???
Un -believable...
I read somewhere that the cat was in there for 16 hours is that true? and if it is why did the person who was making the film not let it out?
Debbie :suprised:
I think the film was from cctv so was probably not monitored 24/7, they probably only seen it when they played it back. I hope she gets a tonne of grief for this, I'd shut her in a bin for 16 hours and happilly sit on the top of it ! Thank goodness the little thing was ok after his ordeal.
The man that owned the cat noticed that he hadn't come home and went out to look for him as he was getting in his car he heard a faint meow coming from the bin and found him. He then looked back at his cctv camara that he happened to have for security on the front of his house and found out what happened.
I don't think her life will be pleasant now even if the police don't do anything - she will be hated by many people and I wouldn't want to go out if I was her. I know I would find it hard not to give her some abuse if I saw her! The poor cat was in there for 15 hours! Can you imagine how awful that must have been for it.
To think she would have got away with it if they hadn't had their CCTV - so lucky. What would have happened to that poor cat otherwise? Doesn't bear thinking about really does it.
If someone had done that to my cat, I would have made sure exactly the same was done to them.
I haven't seen the interview she made but apparently she's been subjected to a real hate campaign. Good !!!!!.... What goes around comes around, stupid, ignorant woman will hopefully suffer even if it's not from the hands of the police or RSPCA. She ended it apparently by saying, " I don't know what all the fuss was about, it was only a cat"