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  1. #1
    Happy Kitten
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
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    Light price, tons of fun

    We've bought a number of toys for our cats, but I have to say that while they have their favorite toys that they can chew on, which is good for them, the best toy we've bought for the kids yet cost us about $3.

    And that was a package of 6 brightly colored high quality ping-pong balls.

    The cats go nuts on them because they can't grasp them. They are lightweight, so they bat around very fast and loose little momentum. And if you step on one in the middle of the night, it simply crushes, it doesn't shatter or break.

    And if you happen to have hardwood floors or similar, you are *really* in for a treat.
    James & Penny play a lot, but they play harder with the pingpong balls than with any other toy. And while they enjoy having them on the carpet, they go absolutely nuts on the hardwood.




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