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Maine Coon Mix... SHARE.... PLEASE.
As I have been accused by a not so nice lady who SHALL remain nameless... of... Cruel breeding... I thought I would share with you the story of my CRUELTY LITTER!!!:smile:
We have a Selkrik Rex black tortie named Chanel she will be 5 this year... we took her in an exchange someone wanted one of my Chocolate Tortie Cp British... I accepted her in exchange...
Chanel... is allowed to be mated to British Short hairs to produce the Selkirk under GCCF and Tica rules..
When chanel was 2 we realized she was a silent caller.. so to enable us to have babies... we decided to try her with the boys...
First Frodo Baggins.... Lilac Point British NO WAY!!!
Second Marshall Mathers Chocolate Tabby Point British NO WAY!!!
Third Cracker Cream British NO WAY!!!!
Forth Constantine Cream and white British!!! NO WAY!!!!!
Now aged 4 years....... 2 Year later!!!!!:grr:
Jack sparrow...... ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING.....:drool1: NO WAY!!!!!
Thinks its time to be spayed!!!???
Along came Jet Li... one sexy looking blue tabby Mainecoon Aged 2 years... Gay!!! not liking the Mainecoons........ AT ALL...... lived with both of them for 2 years..... NO SEX...
BAM....... ( well actually BAM BAM and many times BAM).... once it was done.. no point spoiling his fun... he didn't like the girlys before...
One Pregnant selkirk REX
Then BAM..... I GO THE HANG OF IT NOW... says Jet!!
ONE pregnant MAINE COON.......
OUR selkcoons arrived 2 weeks earlier....
They despite the mother being half the size of my Coonie Mum Aphrodite left here aged 13 weeks much bigger than the coonies... HOW I do not know.?.
Maybe you have a similar tale...
Needless to say... I care little about what the person said... they all have fab pet homes... and they where declared to my cat fancy... I only JUST FOUND out this year off a TICA Judge I could have registered them with TICA!!! DUH!!:rofl:
Only a Mother COULD love them
Originally Posted by
Ugly duckling to swan first comes to mind,what a wonderful bunch,would have gone from six to seven to have had one of those in the family,thanks for sharing & please post any pictures their new parents send to you.
Chanel obviously goes with the "grass is greener on the other side" saying,don't know what excuse we can make for Jet,but.....
You took the words right out of my mouth, when they where born Chanel was very protective of them and we could not take as many photos as normal... but given how dam ugly there where.... well.... I said to all my friends OMG.... they are so ugly, what am I going to do with them no one will love them at all..
But they grew like you said in to stunning swans!! (CATS)
I could not get enough of them, once they where advertised the phone was red hot.... I actually have orders for others lol...