Ta daaaaa! As promised, just got back in. He is still rather scared at the moment.
Love him!
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Ta daaaaa! As promised, just got back in. He is still rather scared at the moment.
Love him!
What a cutie! No doubt he'll settle in and be right at home in no time at all. Fingers crossed for a peaceful night and lots of cuddles with your gorgeous new furbaby! Love the fish shaped bowl too :-) xxx
He looks so cute, congratulations on your new addition. Hope all is well tonight, it can be quite unsettling for them. Freyja clung to the radiator pipes under the breakfast bar her first night, and even Wicca didn't leave the kitchen. But for both cats, by the afternoon of their second day, they'd pretty much taken over the house!
Can't wait to hear how he's settling in, and what name you finally settle on :smile:
Settling in well!!
P.s excuse my dodgy pajamas!!!
Awww. Cute!! Congrats!!
Oh what an absolute cutieeeee he is!! Congratulations! :)
He's just adorable and clearly settling in VERY well! Good work.
The PJ's must be the mark of a true cat lover!
He is adorable,what time did you eventually allow "him" to go to bed....
Thought your PJ's were a cat bed so would have been none the wiser if you hadn't owned up !
I'm not sure if i am insulted or not that my pyjamas look like a cat bed!! Lol!
Bit of drama last night....got him home, and after about an hour when he decided to come out from under the table he had a massive sloppy bottom incident, all over the floor, all over his belly, tail, paws. I'd shown him where the litter tray was so was a bit surprised! I bet he didn't think he would have a bath on the first night in his new home :)
He was then sick 3 times which i managed to catch in a magazine (my new magazine) :(
I was so worried about him but the breeder did say this could happen as he only had his second booster shot yesterday which sometimes has this effect on them apparently......Anyway, when i finally got to bed at about 1 he cried for a bit then quietened down, i checked on him at 4 and he was fine.
This morning he is like a new kitty! Happy, bouncy, charging around the house like he owns the joint! I haven't seen him eat or drink yet though, but he may well of done....
He is snuggled up on my lap as i write this. I love the poo-y little chap!