Hi all,
I'm new to this forum so i thought i would pop in to show off my lovely kitten who i am picking up on the 19th November! Time is going to slowly and i cant wait to get him!
Jennie. :shy:
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Hi all,
I'm new to this forum so i thought i would pop in to show off my lovely kitten who i am picking up on the 19th November! Time is going to slowly and i cant wait to get him!
Jennie. :shy:
Hi Jennie
Welcome to the forum, I bet you can't wait until 19th! Jolly is gorgeous, so cute - is he your first Coonie?
We've got two, girl and boy with 2 months between them and they are our first Maine Coons - so in love with them both!
Look forward to seeing more pics once you are able to bring him home :o)
Yeah he is my first Coonie! and i cant wait. :LOL:
We are looking to get another kitten in January (a British Shorthair) how did you get on integrating them both?
Much easier than I thought Jennie. We'd had Gracie for about 2 months when we brought home Monty. Only kept them in separate rooms for a few hours in the end as I was too impatient! She was quite hissy and growly with him for the first couple of days but not physically aggressive, then it moved on to chasing him around, followed by resignation and finally acceptance. It's only 2 weeks ago yesterday that Monty joined us and they cuddle up together now a lot of the time. Check out my other post about "making friends" and you can see her grooming him this afternoon.
One of the hardest things for me to accept was her punishment of us for the first week as she'd gone from being a spoilt only child to sharing. She was very sniffy and off with us but is absolutely fine now so relief all round.
Roll on the next 2 and a half weeks then eh?!
Welcome, Jenny, you've joined a great bunch on the forum. I've only had my MC's since May and October and I've learnt heaps since I joined. Prepare to be amazed, amused, bewildered and besotted when your furry arrives!
I had a similar experience as Rachel when I brought Wicca home - Freyja had ruled the roost for 4 months and didn't take well to her new fluffy companion. Took 2 weeks before the fur settled, another week for the cats to actually become proper friends, and a further week before Freyja decided we'd been forgiven. I was exceptionally stressed throughout (although we'd also had quite a bad flood at the house at the same time Wicca came home, so that didn't help!). However, here we are a month on and the two cats are inseparable, the best of friends and all is well.
There are two schools of thought on the forum regarding the integration of a new kitty.
1) once you've acclimatised the new kitten to litter tray, food and water bowls etc, let it roam the house and mix with your existing cat/s and leave them to get on with it
2) keep new kitty safely tucked away in a room so that it can hear/smell the other cats, and they can do the same, via the closed door. Then after a few days, let the new kitty out with supervision.
My breeder and several friends recommended suggestion 1, and that's what I did. At the end of week 1, I thought I'd made a big mistake and was so anxious that I might have changed Freyja's personality forever and had no idea how to fix it, so hung in there for another week. By the end of week 2, we were over the worst and I was pleased I went with the 'let them get on with it' strategy. Should I ever be in the same position in the future, I would probably take the same approach.
Is Jolly your gorgeous little bundle of fluff's name? He's very cute - got that lovely kitten face! And huge ears!! Looking forward to more photo's.
It's a small world Jennie, I've just noticed we live in the same town!!!
Lol!!! His ears are great!
Thanks for all the tips on integrating the 2 kitties when they come!
The above method sounds scary! Lol, its worth a go though if it is tried and tested! His front paws are enormous, like two big marshmallows. :koolkat:Quote:
once you've acclimatised the new kitten to litter tray, food and water bowls etc, let it roam the house and mix with your existing cat/s and leave them to get on with it
Rachel C - You are a stoakey too are you.....small world indeed!! :)
Thanks for all the help guys!
Welcome Jolly,time will go very quickly now as going downhill is always faster & November is here.....
He's good looking! My two are coming home tomorrow. They're older, retired show cats who have been living with my ex, but she's moving and can't take them with her. I'm extremely excited.
Jolly & Jennie, welcome from Oregon City USA. Jolly is such a pretty kitty!
I'm very happy that you are getting your new kitty. I wouldn't trade my Edmund for the world. Best choice ever... :satisfied:
We are now picking up the little man this Thursday night (1 day early) - we have also decided to let him keep the pedigree name of Paddington too (Jolly didn't seem to fit him when we saw him last) At least we think we are sicking with Paddington - its a bit of a mouthful.....time will tell.
Im dreaming of kittens and boring my colleagues to tears with updates on Paddington daily..... 3 days to go till we pick him up! YIPPIIEEEEEEEE
Countdown has well & truly started now,lucky you,Paddington sounds good,just a bit of a mouthful if he is getting himself into mischief but thats half the fun...
Well I think Jolly is a great name, but if it's not sticking, not to worry, Paddington is even better! Reminds you of a lovely, cuddly bear, so appropriate for a MC! It doesn't need to be a mouthful, if you shorten it to Paddy. In my experience, a cat's name morphs over time anyway, until it ends up nothing like it was when we started! Larry routinely gets called Laggs now, or Wonderlag, or Powerlag....you get my drift....!!!
Anyway, bet you can't wait till Thursday. Keep us posted, and pics soon please! :rofl:
I love the name paddington! Makes me think of paddington bear and his wellies and duffel coat! :)
Lol me too!
Here is a pic of him asleep on his daddies arm when we went to go see him the other day. Makes your heart melt! :koolkat:
And a photo of him having a chew on his daddies hand (we will have to put a stop to that!):stressed:
Rubbish photo quality as taken on my iPhone. Didn't think it would be appropriate to take my giant SLR camera with me to go see him.
Two more days to go, Jolly.:winkwink:
I think Paddington/Paddy is a wonderful name. Did you know the Paddington Bear books have been translated into Dutch? I remember my Dad reading them to me when I was small in the early 60s... about the little bear with his suitcase who was found at Paddington station. That name does bring back memories.:shy:
Lol, no i didnt know that! Is his name still Paddington in the dutch version?
Do share??? My partner has fallen in love with the name Paddington though.... :) But he doesn't like the shortened version (Paddy).
48 hours to go........:drool1:
Couldn't agree more - Freyja almost never gets called that anymore. She's got stuck with - wait for it - Boo-bi-dee-boo Or Boo-bi, Boo-bs, occasionally Boo-btastic. Not really sure how it's spelt as when you type it looks like I've got a knocker obsession. And of course, Wicca gets called Wickety-Woo, Wicc Wicc, Wacky Wicca... at 2 in the morning when she's going to town chewing my hair, she also gets called Satan's Spawn, but that's less affectionate than Wickety-Woo!
This will go soon enough, although I daresay it will feel like it's dragging. Paddington/Paddy is a great name, and he looks so cute. It's undeniable - looking at other peoples kittens does make you get a bit broody!
Oh my goodness Karen, and I thought we were bad!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
How did you get from Freyja to Boob? Not a single letter is the same....or maybe I shouldn't ask! Still, I'm probably a worse offender...Larry's latest nickname is Lagwich Sandwich. Anyone cringing yet?
Not got a clue... but it's been my secret name for her since about a week after she got here! I was giving her a cuddle and found myself just calling her it. OH resisted for weeks, but he has now succumbed. Bless her, she actually responds to both!
Lagwich Sandwich is a good one, but my favourite HB nickname is definitely Monty, Monty, What do you Wanty! Even showed that one to OH! :rofl:
Lol! Love it, I will put it to my partner tonight! 24 hours to go untill 'Ding Man Day'! Yippiiee.
We are going to kitty proof the house tonight, hiding anything remotely breakable. Slightly concerned about my round fish bowl which we have on a tall, narrow fish bowl stand. That would be very messy if that went over. :(
Not long now!!!!! How excited are you? I may just have to wander over and have a cuddle myself :-D
Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight with all this excitement, pleeeeaaaasee lots of pics tomorrow !! ps. Love the name. Alison & Harry x
I am on evening shift tomorrow but will log on when I get home full of expectations of seeing the new arrival,if only Paddington was aware of the fun times that are about to start in a few hours,enjoy....
Good luck for tomorrow Jolly. And to your dear fish... Can't wait to see some photo's when you get the lad home :smile:
I wonder if Paddy has arrived in his new home yet wreaking havoc!!! Ooooh I'm on tenterhooks here :-)
We'll be waiting!!!!! xx
Ta daaaaa! As promised, just got back in. He is still rather scared at the moment.
Love him!
What a cutie! No doubt he'll settle in and be right at home in no time at all. Fingers crossed for a peaceful night and lots of cuddles with your gorgeous new furbaby! Love the fish shaped bowl too :-) xxx
He looks so cute, congratulations on your new addition. Hope all is well tonight, it can be quite unsettling for them. Freyja clung to the radiator pipes under the breakfast bar her first night, and even Wicca didn't leave the kitchen. But for both cats, by the afternoon of their second day, they'd pretty much taken over the house!
Can't wait to hear how he's settling in, and what name you finally settle on :smile:
Settling in well!!
P.s excuse my dodgy pajamas!!!
Awww. Cute!! Congrats!!
Oh what an absolute cutieeeee he is!! Congratulations! :)
He's just adorable and clearly settling in VERY well! Good work.
The PJ's must be the mark of a true cat lover!
He is adorable,what time did you eventually allow "him" to go to bed....
Thought your PJ's were a cat bed so would have been none the wiser if you hadn't owned up !
I'm not sure if i am insulted or not that my pyjamas look like a cat bed!! Lol!
Bit of drama last night....got him home, and after about an hour when he decided to come out from under the table he had a massive sloppy bottom incident, all over the floor, all over his belly, tail, paws. I'd shown him where the litter tray was so was a bit surprised! I bet he didn't think he would have a bath on the first night in his new home :)
He was then sick 3 times which i managed to catch in a magazine (my new magazine) :(
I was so worried about him but the breeder did say this could happen as he only had his second booster shot yesterday which sometimes has this effect on them apparently......Anyway, when i finally got to bed at about 1 he cried for a bit then quietened down, i checked on him at 4 and he was fine.
This morning he is like a new kitty! Happy, bouncy, charging around the house like he owns the joint! I haven't seen him eat or drink yet though, but he may well of done....
He is snuggled up on my lap as i write this. I love the poo-y little chap!