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  1. #1
    Über Cat
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hampshire, UK
    Thanked 91 Times in 84 Posts

    All safe & sound

    Hi guys

    Just to let you know that Gracie had her spaying op today and is now home safe and well - albeit completely unimpressed by her lampshade collar!!!

    So much for the light meal though, tried to get her away from Monty's food but she was too busy wolfing it down to take any notice of me!

    She is now currently trying all the cunning tricks in the book to get this collar off her - amazing just how dextrous these coonies can be! I'll give it an hour or so and see if she stops trying to bite her stiches when I take it off next.

    Thanks for all your kind wishes - I was a worry bucket all day but thankfully was extra busy at work so that helped a lot!

    Rachel x
    Last edited by Rachel-C; 5th November 2010 at 06:09 PM.




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