I don't know about your coonies, but Boo would not sit still long enough for this to happen :)
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I don't know about your coonies, but Boo would not sit still long enough for this to happen :)
Brilliant,what a super placid dream cat & fun to watch...
There's no way I could get away with that in my house! A furry paw would have shot through the paper in seconds, and as for the bauble, forget it! Very cute, made me laugh!
:LOL: Great :LOL:
We call Christmas wraping paper & turkey day, our old MC used to love helping with wraping pressies :LOL:
This is the funniest movie about Christmas cat. Excellent job! I would have no problem with being a sitter for your cat. He looks so well mannered.
Come on Candes,do you think napping or not a MC would miss the first rustle of a piece of paper......x
Great video, tickled me, although that can't sure be a real cat... I can't even screw up a receipt without my two acting like their bums are on fire to get to it, so wrapping one of them (whilst tempting) will be a complete no-no!
Ours come running if they hear me rooting around in my handbag just in case of a scrunched receipt, If you screw up a lottery ticket Hector will even wake up and come running, he is normally sleeping on the bed. He is such a typical male all he thinks about is belly and sleep:smile: