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Great clip! I've got a good film of Monty catching a fly, would post it here but have to work out how to do that....hmm, I could be some time!
Hehe nice movie clip :)
They will chase down pretty much anything which moves.
I did rescue the frog from them :)
Brilliant,reminds you of the Simons cat clip catching the fly.
Haven't they both got the most startling couloured eyes.....
So pleased the frog was rescued,if it had been here it would have had to sit under a bucket until hubby got home,
just looking at the picture made my toes curl up,not brave when it comes to the green hoppers !
Thank you for watching and replying.
Teddy Bearz must be a real boy. My ladies wrinkle their noses or even gag when they sniff stink bug or any other obnoxius smell. I don't think they would go after froggie either.The disgust would overpower their hunting instinct. These girls are from Venus.
Spoiled by Mommy and Daddy. How can you not spoil Maincoons when they are the best cats in the world ? Photo gallery on this forum is a real eye candy for me after long day at work. :drool1:
Beautiful high white girl... my trouble is that I LOVE moths, they are so cute and fantastically beautiful too. so killing is a total no no with me on the block!
OK I've managed to put my film on You Tube. Do I just cut n paste the link?
Love it, the only difference with Roxy is she would be a lot more vocal:winkwink:
Now fly hunting is something I do approve of, they must be absolutly delicious, cos my kitties all love to crunch them. My darling mutt Bertie is a dedicated fly eater too, he even drools when he sees fruit flies... yummy!