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Thread: It's happened

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    It's happened

    Well it finally happened last night, I was lying in the bath with Roxy sitting near the taps playing with the bubbles, for some reason she decided to try and walk on the side of the bath by the wall where it's a lot more narrow.

    Next thing I know she was in the bath!!

    I now know she can swim She jumped out just as I was screaming to the OH and she nearly tripped him up as she ran for the back of the sofa. he grabbed my towel and swaddled her while I was trying to stop my shin from bleeding as that's what she slid down during her undignified entry to the water.

    No pictures of her soggy as I was not quick enough to get out of the bath but it's a good job that I am having cooler baths at the moment!

    So to add to the little pinpricks I have on my thighs from her kneeding my lap I have three long ones on my shin.

    Strangely she did not come back into the bathroom when I got back into the bath




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