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Thread: Mimi almost 5 months on...
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4th December 2010, 05:10 PM #1debbie560Guest
Mimi almost 5 months on...
Some of you will have seen the shocking state I got this cat back in after 8 months in another supposed to be Mainecoon HOBBY breeders home!!
She has taken some time to come back a heck of a lot of time, she now openly comes to us for affections and she is so chatty and the first in the food bowl..
Its a bit cold to go outside I thought but they have been on a self destruct mission... so I decided as today was big clean day to let them out in to the run..
To Get Mimi to this back to almost a normal weight and look for a Mainecoon girl of her age!! Just 20 months only took what genuine cat lovers and owner do as a matter of course.. Good Food TLC... and most of all love and affection for an animal who was not to blame in any of what went on!
Here she is today, sorry the photos are not that clear the lens kept misting over!Last edited by debbie560; 4th December 2010 at 05:13 PM.