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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    England, UK
    Thanked 33 Times in 25 Posts

    HCM gene testing- are we wasting our time?

    I had a really interesting chat with my breeder when I picked up Dudley about HCM - it's something I'm really interested in as I research muscular dystrophy-associated cardiomyopathies. She suggested that breeders concentrate far too much on breeding from 'HCM gene -ve' animals instead of looking at family history- i.e. how long did the cat's parents, grandparents etc. live? She made the very valid point that the 'HCM gene' we all test for is only one of what is likely to be a whole gamut of other genes which elevate the risk of HCM. She regularly checks her breeders by echo although she still states HCM gene status on her website, because the public demand it. I would like to get other breeder's opinions here- do you feel the 'general public' demand an HCM negative status although it is not entirely useful? Does genetic testing make for lazy breeders, i.e. is HCM -ve status viewed as a 'one stop' guarantee of a healthy heart making breeders less vigilant about family history and less like to use more qualitative information available to them. To me, if the known HCM gene is indeed a risk factor then I want to know about it, but I am not so naive as to believe that being negative for this gene eliminates the risk of my cat having HCM- in fact, Sylvie had HCM n/n parents but has a heart murmur.... It occured to me that within the MC breeder community there must be an untapped wealth of information about the strength of association of HCM with the so called 'HCM gene'! Someone needs to do a large scale study!




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