Hehe, I reckon Wicca does her ear wisps at the same time then! Love the idea of her sitting in front of the mirror with my pink curling want. How she fits the heat-proof glove over her paw is anyone's guess...
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Straight and long in all the coonies, Brits and Abyssinians, our Selkirk girl has Curly whiskers, to match her curly coat!!
I managed a photo of The Whiskers.
I do think they go forward a lot more than other MCs
You can't see the ones on the left very well which is a pity as there is a very long and crooked whisker there!!
Duds and Sylvie have unremarkable whiskers I think- kind of curved. The eyebrows are another matter though- Dudley has huge eyebrows and Sylvie has none.