Talking Whiskers
I noticed in lots of pictures that the cats seemed to have very straight whiskers. Not my Maisie who has kinked whiskers, very long. Some seem to stick straight out and when she decides to sit on my chest for a face to face confrontation the sticky out ones tickle my face. So the question is , straight or kinked and sticky out?
Talking whiskers
What a brilliant fun start to the day,have just inspected six sets of whiskers,five sets straigt with a downward droop at the ends,two of those five very long & one set going down & upwards,in fact a couple are meeting his eyebrows & he looked all tangled up so I agree with candes,picture please,in the meantime will see if I can get all of Bruces going the same way.....
El Monto and Tatja both have straight whiskers... Tatja's are absolutely HUGE and at night she likes to cuddle up to me under the duvet and then tickle my bare armpits with her 'antennae'.:LOL:
Minnies whiskers are bent forward - we call them her 'antlers'.:LOL:
I am trying to get a photo of the whiskers but the Diva is, oddly enough, camera shy. Will keep trying.,
Monty has very uneven whiskers and eyebrows. He has long, straight, white whiskers on one side, and less visible grey short whiskers on the other. Same with the eyebrows. He has one stubby white whisker which started growing when he was 4 months old or so, and is now 2 inches long, but still noticeably shorter than the other whiskers. He looks most unbalanced! Of course we're not bothered about it, but I wonder if this would be something a judge would deduct points for at a show?
Freyja's are long, white, straight and bow down at the tips - almost like they too heavy to stay straight all the way along!
Wicca's are funny things - like black fishing line... never seen a cat with black whiskers before so it's a bit of a novelty. Her eyebrow's stick straight up in the air and then fall forward towards her face (nowhere near her eyes, obviously) and the the others are kind of kinky. They stick out to the side but where Freyja's just bow at the tips, Wicca's almost curve down. And it still doesn't stop her getting into stupid places! :LOL:
Teddy bearz is a very handsome young man with excellent whiskers, in fact maybe Maisie's are not unusual after all as I see some 'bends' in TB's as well. Wish I could get a photo of her.
Candes, loved pic 3! OH saw a couple of the photo's and even he commented on how handsome Teddy is, and he's VERY biased about our two!
I've been carrying out a whiskers watch since reading this and Mufasa's appear to change each day! First day they were curled forward a bit like Minnie's, yesterday they were straight with curly ends and today they are almost straight with a few curls! Maybe they 'style' them?
Talking whiskers
Imagination runs riot,all the MC's in front of the dressing table mirror,curling tongs in paw..
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