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Hi Karen, don't worry, that's exactly what my 2 are like. They wrestle like mad, roll over and over and over, sometimes to the point where it looks quite violent and the fur flies. And they make that funny noise. But they are just playing, and they never draw blood. And we all know that they could hurt if they wanted to - my mother-in-law's cat sometimes comes in with a bloody ear or gash to his face. Mostly I leave them to it, but I occasionally break it up if I think they are going to fall off the table or hurt themselves. If I do break them up, they look a bit surprised, wait 3 seconds, and then carry on. Sometimes they have a wrestle with Barney my old moggie, and he is more than game for it but I do watch them, as they are now so much bigger than him! But he can really hold his own with them, the old lad. So yes, wrestling is quite normal and I guess it shows how comfortable they are with each other - they are having fun!