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Thread: Wrestling

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  1. #1
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    May 2010
    London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
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    So you all know that I've got two happy cats now, and they get on very well, play nicely together (when I say 'play', obviously I mean stampede round the house in steel toe-capped clogs); they share things - toys, cat milk, food; they groom each other, and will curl up together - you get the idea.

    But they also wrestle quite a bit. Not fight - I've seen and heard enough cat fights to know they're not fighting - but the wrestling can sometimes look quite rough. You get the occasional strange noise that I can't begin to describe (unless you're a fan of the League Of Gentlemen and are familiar with Papa Lazarou) and even less occasionally, there'll be a hiss.

    If I hear the strange noise, I'll clap my hands to break them up, and they both stop, look a bit indignant, and then when I turn my back they'll start again. Neither of them seems to try to get away when I break them up. There's also no defensive or predatory behaviours exhibited.

    Neither cat seems to get hurt during the altercation, and neither tries to get away from it. I can't see if one of them always starts it or if they take it in turns, and having never had two cats before I've no idea if it's just the way they are. I'm guessing this is perfectly normal, but would be grateful to hear your thoughts.
    Karen, Freyja & Wicca




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