Maybe we should have a Maine Coon lending library - have your usual few at home as usual then 'borrow' some new ones every couple of months - swapsies!!!
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Everyone is cordially invited to borrow Wicca, on the condition that they don't return her early... I need to grow out my chewed hair follicles and bleach the bags from under my eyes. That cat finds rustly-things under my bed that I didn't ever know I owned! And she waits until 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the morning to tap dance on them. Mind you, the cuddles, kisses and snuggling that I get when I'm working from home make up for it :smile:
I am now going to start writing out my "I want to borrow list".I think it is a brilliant idea Rachel,sorry Karen as much as I love her will let others help you out with Wicca,her & Welly together & I feel that I would be having the same problem as you,lots of cucumbers being sold to help the bags under the eyes,will put her down for a "borrow"in 2012 !
I bet the excited newbies wouldn't share proper though..........