So Very Excited
Have just found out that the Queen of the breeder we have chosen is pregnant... should be born middle of January and have my new kitties at Easter... already booked the time off so I can have quality kittie time... am unbearably excited already what will i be like when the time finally arrives....now an start looking for all sorts of goodies!!!!
Woohoo! Congrats. I go see mine on Sat again and get them in Feb :)
Double waahooo, we pick our kitten up tomorrow.
Pictures WILL be posted!!!!
Very exciting for you... xx
So very excited...
Another jealous person sitting here but very pleased for all of you,will wait for pictures to drool over,not too long in Steve's case though....
Very exciting indeed... congrats!:smile:
And you will keep us posted, yes? :winkwink:
O most definatly Antonia .. to the point of driving people insane... i feel like a kid with xmas coming up
Hi H&S Wells and Peter. Hope your waiting time will fly by and be well worth it!
We picked our new kitty, Tia up last night and what a little stunner.
HI steve .. need pics of cute new kittie plz
1 Attachment(s)
Picture attached of our new Blue Tabby, Tia.
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