I just thought I'd share with you a new trick that Wicca's started (yes, of course, had to be Wicca, didn't it??). I now have a cat that plays fetch. I know plenty of MC's do it but I've just never seen one before - I even tried teaching Freyja when she first arrived but she's an obstinate creature when she wants to be and looked at me with utter contempt - a face that said "if you wanted it, why did you chuck it over there in the first place?".
I only discovered Wicca's little habit because I was trying to get her to bugger off and let me get on with wrapping presents. I didn't mind the pin holes in the paper, or the unnecessary creases where she'd sat on it, and I didn't mind the ribbon with the soggy ends. But she was so hell bent on snatching the ribbon from my fingers that she overlooked the fact that she was sinking her claws in ME instead of the ribbon. So I picked up her favourite toy and lobbed it across the hall and into the next room. Blow me if she didn't pick the blasted thing up and cart it straight back into me. I didn't think anything of it to begin with, but after several more lobs I realised I'd spotted a pattern. After another 10 minutes and a sore shoulder later, we'd almost perfected 'drop it' on command into my open palm.
Freyja seemed as bewildered and fascinated as me and must have got Tennis Neck watching the Spider Monkey trot back and forth with this - frankly manky - kitten toy.
They truly are an amazing breed. 7 months in with MC's and they still never cease to amaze me.:rofl: