As one of my prospective kittens is likely to be a blue or blue white tabby does any one else have one this colour so I can see pictures of adults ( other than the mom ).... much appreciated ... thanks
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As one of my prospective kittens is likely to be a blue or blue white tabby does any one else have one this colour so I can see pictures of adults ( other than the mom ).... much appreciated ... thanks
Hello H&S and :welcomefirework:
A new kitty - how exciting?!
Our Gracie is a blue tabby with white - and I don't need any more encouragement to show off pictures of her :-)
She's almost 8 months now but it should give you some idea of colours etc.
Can't wait to see your pics when you get your new arrival x
Our new Blue Tabby (possible Mackerel?) girl, Tia.
Here is a pic of our Kitten Aquinas taken by his lovely breeder he is a blue with white classic tabby.
Wow what an absolute beauty! Lovely shape face, ears, and colouring. Bet you can't wait!
i love them all they are superb.... and i am so envious .... thank you all .... Rachel was that a classic brown lurking the basket in the first pic ... as those are the two colurs we will be getting
Aquinas is a striking looking chap already - what a gorgeous little face. Love his colouring - if I was going to get a third MC (after re-inforcing the floor boards and stairs) it would be a blue tabby.
Just checked our kitten Tia's paperwork and she is listed as a Blue MC Tabby, so I guess that officially makes her a Blue Mackerel tabby then!!
Hi H&S, yep Monty is a classic brown tabby - he's really quite small at the moment as he was the last of the litter and is a little runtish bless him - but his paws are huge and he has really gangly legs so we are hoping he will be as big as his dad who was huuuuarge! At the moment though he more than makes up for his lack of stature with his personality :LOL:
and MontyMC - oh my, your little boy is absolutely delicious - I really really can't have a third ... hmmmm perhaps I could convince t'other half one day :rofl:
Blue has always been my favorite color in cats, and last year I was able to get a kitten of that color. I ended up with 2 littermates because they were "buddies since birth", and I would feel sad separating them. We love them both, and blue remains my fav. Here is the movie for you:
2009 - 2010.wmv - Windows Live