ROFLMAO - thanks for the mental image, it's really put a smile on my face - can you tell we've got one just the same :smile:
Happy Xmas x
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I imagine this will one of my more daft questions but I'm going to ask it anyway... when you get the furries Christmas presents, do you wrap them? And do you then unwrap them on Christmas morning or leave them to shred the paper? Ours have a little pile each under the tree, plus a Whiskas stocking each, and all the presents are wrapped.
I can't believed I've just asked that question... I used to have such a normal life... :LOL:
Oh dear, it's finally happened - you've finally succumbed to the 'mad cat woman' state :rofl:
LOL, only joking of course. Our furbies' prezzies are wrapped and under the tree - judging by the amount of trampling over them and frenzied investigation for the last few days I really don't think they will need any assistance to open them but I may tear a corner for them first to get them started! Who said they don't have thumbs!!!
Have always wrapped pressies for all of my anilmals,thought that was the done thing & never do it when they are around as it would spoil their surprise. China , Bruce & Welly will normally get into theirs without help,the others have to be helped unless its the catnip ones,paper gone in seconds,toy drooled over then paper shredded or carried around.
To think I will miss all that this year,got to find stockings to hang on their pen doors....