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  1. #1
    Über Cat
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    Thumbs up

    Such beautiful cats - you must show them off!!!!!!

  2. #2
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    If it's not too expensive to enter him, then you could submit your entry form and at least secure yourselves a place; if the weather remains as it is now (and it's supposed to be like this until the New Year - and let's not forget what January and February 2010 were like) you can withdraw but if it clears up you won't be kicking yourself for not entering him.

    And they are such good looking cats, Jackie - all your brood are pretty special x

    Got to ask though - what size carrier do you use for Merl??
    Karen, Freyja & Wicca

  3. #3
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    Shall we go to the show.....

    Ok,Shimba is entered,just finished his paperwork,have promised Merl that we will try & take him along too when the weather is better...

    Hi Karen,he travels in a Sof-Krate I series & it is the 24" x 16" x 16" one,just right for him to stretch in & brilliant because it collapses & folds away when not in use & is very lightweight, b****y heavy though when either him or Shimba is in it,at one of the shows we were clearing up & I had got Shimba as far as the door & was waiting for Brian when a lady said to her hubby "Just help get the cat to the ,dare I say it,ladies car",still looking for the lady,anyway he bent down grabbed the handles & I didn't think he was ever going to get straight again,they had exotics,don't think he had ever tried to haul a MC.
    Good though because I think it must make the men respect us for being able to hold these monsters out in their show stretch,own a MC & you have muscles !

  4. #4
    Über Cat
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    Such gorgeous guys Jackie, can't wait to hear how you get on! x

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    Ok,Shimba is entered,just finished his paperwork,have promised Merl that we will try & take him along too when the weather is better...

    Hi Karen,he travels in a Sof-Krate I series & it is the 24" x 16" x 16" one,just right for him to stretch in & brilliant because it collapses & folds away when not in use & is very lightweight, b****y heavy though when either him or Shimba is in it,at one of the shows we were clearing up & I had got Shimba as far as the door & was waiting for Brian when a lady said to her hubby "Just help get the cat to the ,dare I say it,ladies car",still looking for the lady,anyway he bent down grabbed the handles & I didn't think he was ever going to get straight again,they had exotics,don't think he had ever tried to haul a MC.
    Good though because I think it must make the men respect us for being able to hold these monsters out in their show stretch,own a MC & you have muscles !
    That really made me laugh - every time the vet sees my carrier, he chuckles. I wonder if it's the carrier he remembers rather than the cats! I think my carrier is much the same size, and it should really come with wheels!

    Quote Originally Posted by candes View Post
    You brought up a really major issue with MC. Carrier size.... Ted ted has wayyyy..... outgrown his large cat carrier already. And none of the soft carriers fit him. Thus he just goes out on a harness right now. What do other folks here use? Something with wheels and a pull would be nice.

    How much extra space should they have past their body size? Teddy was 27" , (without his 15" tail) before his growth spurt. So would a 30" stroller work? Maybe I should wait a few months when the bulk of his growing is done. Dunno... A carrier would be nice now.
    I'd read that they need enough room to stand up in, turn around in and lay down in, but not so much space that there's more space than cat (something to do with their inclination to hide in small places when nervous). Not very scientific. I've got a collapsable one - sounds like the same principle as Jackie's, and it's bloody enormous - even without a giant kitten in it, it's difficult to carry - just due to its size. My breeder had advised to get the biggest one I could find, so I did, and I'm pretty sure you could squeeze an elephant calf in there if you don't mind the trunk poking out! Freyja's not been in it for a while though so it might seem a more suitable size now she's 12lbs of fur. Poor little Wicca just looks lost!
    Karen, Freyja & Wicca

  6. #6
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    Shall we go to the show or not..

    Ok you lot,my carrier has just come out of hiding ready for the show, I along with mum am hoping for snow tomorrow but if not will go along & keep her on her toes,will he behave,won't he,te he,thats fun to watch I can tell you.
    Now thought you should just see some of what I have to go through,Thursday evening knew something was "afoot" when I was the only one to have claws clipped then yesterday the indignities started,de-greased all over,doesn't do anything for the image followed by a good shower,now don't anyone say that I look really thin when my fur is wet,mum gives me a bit of a blow dry although a lot of the work is still left to me but today as you can see coat does look pretty good even though mum hasn't got round to using the powder & slicker brush yet,but she will I know,bruv did think the ears were not quite clean enough so he added a quick lick to finish things off,will let you know how I get on tomorrow,as long as I decide to let them vet me in we should make the first part of the day but when they go round where the family "jewels"once were to make sure they have gone I sometimes get upset & that could mean the end of the day before it starts,still we could both relax then couldn't we....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Shall we go to the show,or not....-100_3057.jpg   Shall we go to the show,or not....-100_3059.jpg   Shall we go to the show,or not....-100_3063.jpg   Shall we go to the show,or not....-100_3066.jpg   Shall we go to the show,or not....-100_3074.jpg  

    Shall we go to the show,or not....-100_3076.jpg  
    Last edited by jckkerrison; 29th January 2011 at 12:03 PM.

  7. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

    Helen & John (31st January 2011), Samantha (30th January 2011), WoodsideMaineCoons (29th January 2011)

  8. #7
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    Thank you so much for sharing the pics - it is amazing just how much preparation goes into it all.

    I am sure it will all be worthwhile xx

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to WoodsideMaineCoons For This Useful Post:

    jckkerrison (29th January 2011)

  10. #8
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    Shall we go to the show or not..

    Fingers crossed Louise,he is in a good relaxed mood at the moment,bags all packed,early night ready for the 4.30am alarm,now feeling guilty that we are not taking Welly as well,next time...!




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