wonder what peoples thoughts are on having two males or a male and a female - when i get my kittens ( so excited still ) i thought male and female but OH wants two males- what are your experiances please so i can make an informed decision....
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wonder what peoples thoughts are on having two males or a male and a female - when i get my kittens ( so excited still ) i thought male and female but OH wants two males- what are your experiances please so i can make an informed decision....
Thats a difficult one H&SWells,think there is another thread on here discussing this.
I look on the males being the village idiots & as they mature seem to like to lay about more while the females seem to be brighter & on the go even as they get older, our 13yr old asthmatic girl & the little flat chested one are always busy,busy,busy but the boys......
I have to say I think I would always like a girl in amoungst our brood but perhaps you are going to have to go along open minded & see which ones pick you.
Good luck,exciting time for you,keep us posted.
We ended up with two girls, 5 months apart, and on both occasions I was looking for a boy. I fell in love with Freyja the day I went to see her, and although she was neither the colour or sex I was looking for, I loved how snooty she was, and how indignant she was when I stroked her (sounds crazy! but she had such personality). When I decided to get a second one, I wanted a boy so we had a pair - thought they might also get on better. By this time though, OH was really loving being the - and I quote - Man Of The House, and he insisted that number two was a girl. As it was his only condition for a second MC, I couldn't complain. I went to the breeder in search of a black smoke girl, and had three to choose from - but Wicca picked us and that was that! There was no science behind the choice of sex - we just ended up with going with what felt right. I think Jackie's advice is sound - let the kittens choose you, the bonding will be so much stronger for it. Happy hunting! :smile:
Having a male and a female would probably be the most fun for you, given their typical personality traits, however two boys would probably be best in terms of their own companionship. Two boys will continue to engage in physical play with each other. We found though that as the boys got significantly larger than the girls the girls quit wanting to play with the boys. This is the main reason we now have four (two of each): we felt sorry for the one boy when the girls started giving him the cold shoulder (and worse). I sure would miss having a girl, though. The girls are the ones that get on our laps and such (the boys are just as affectionate but show it in different ways, which is good given their size).
Cor what do you do NCarver to avoid the boys on your lap,Shimba lays on mine at every opportunity,he puts his arms around your neck,head butts & kisses you then settles down for a good nap,the number of times I end up with a dead leg & very often arm as well,if I am really unlucky Merl crawls up beside him,nearly 20kg of fluff & you can't move very far under that lot,thats normally the time Welly goes along the back of the chair & rearranges the hairstyle as he seems to know he has a captive audience....!
Ok Walter Coonkat , OH means other half of partnership & the nearly 20kg is when both boys climb on together otherwise I only have to contend with the lightweight of 10kg which isn't too bad but still enough to give you dead leg after a while....
I have a boy and a girl. They have very different personalities. Sarah is very affectionate and cuddly and always talking to me. She sits on my lap and sleeps up next to me and wakes me in the morning with her paws around my face. Zack is more aloof and a little bit sneaky. He is always around but likes to sit near me not on me. He sleeps on the bed but at my feet ( although he does sneak up in the morning and sit on me for a face and tummy rub. He is a thinker and seems to telepathically know when I really need him and just at that moment keeps out of my reach. They are not from the same litter obviously but are always together. Even when I had the three domestic cats it always seemed that it was always a boy and girl curled up together.
I think it is nice having both
Heather, I love those pictures, but especially the fourth. Thanks! I'd love to get another MC, but with four cats indoors now, I know my dear wife would veto it and haul me off to the funny farm.