Hello Maine Coon Lovers,
I am from Hoboken, NJ, and I recently became serious about getting my first kitten. I had been looking at the Maine coon breed for a few years. They are amazing, and after initial visits to local rescue centres I started contacting breeders. I am failry open about colours, although I do not want a black and white one, or a mono colour one, and seem to be most drawn to Silver/Black tabby, Silver Tortie Tabby, Silver Classic Tabby and Brown Tortie Tabby (notice a pattern?). I went to visit a breeder today and had a look at the two litters currently available (10 & 6 weeks). They were pretty much the first Maine Coons (kitten or adult) I had ever seen 'in the fur', and I was immediately sure they were perfect for me. Now for the difficult part.
The second (younger) litter was the one I felt immediately drawn to, and there were three main contenders after carefully handling them (in terms of what i could only call 'chemistry'). The kittens from the older litter seemed a little shy and reticent. The younger litter was having a 'napping' period, but after the mum came back and fed and licked them they perked up and became quite active. All kittens were really happy to be handled (important to me as I would love a proper 'lapcat'), and ear, rectum and belly inspection all seemed fine. They had just had their first vet visit, and as far as the breeder knows everything seemed fine. The three in question were a male and two females. There was a little bit of eye discharge on the eye of the male, and one of the female's tails seemed to have a little kink. I am not intending to breed, but have toyed with the idea of potentially showing my kitten as a neuter. I am torn whether to get a male or female. I have had a look at the show criteria, but I am not totally clear about how colouring will affect their potential - the one I liked the most in terms of personality has quite unconventional markings (as far as is possible to say at that age). Also, I find it quite hard to imagine the kittens as adult cats, as they are bound to change a lot during the next month or so. I liked the breeder, and the house was really lovely with no smelly odours. The litter tray was clean.
In terms of personality, I think it is quite hard to judge kittens at such a young age - or is it? What are your opinions out there? After a long period of reflection, I asked the breeder to put an option on one of the girls which seemed the most lively and inquisitive, as well as feeling most comfortable being handled by me. I asked about HCM testing, but none had been done on the kittens or the parents. I am not sure what to think about that. I am worried about getting a kitten and it dying within the first 6-8 years from heart disease. Should I ask the breeder to have an HCM test done by a vet before committing?
I really need some advice about how to proceed before committing to a cat for life. Should I visit other breeders in my area (and does anyone know reputable Maine Coon breeders in NJ) and see more kittens? Should I wait and see how this litter develops? I am certain about wanting a Maine Coon, but how can I make sure I get the right one? Please help! :stressed: