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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    St Albans, Herts
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Unhappy New Kitten Problems - HELP!


    We went to pick up our new male Maine Coon yesterday, he has barely eaten (even though it is the same food as the breeder used), he has wee'd on my bed last night (admittedly after miaowing for a while) and he poo'd on the kitchen floor (again after miaowing for a while). We are using the same litter as the breeders after he wee'd last night and again after he poo'd this morning, I immediately took him to his litter tray.

    Is it a matter of settling in OR is there something I am not doing? Should I be buying him some special food (tuna or sardines) to help him settle in and at least get him eating?

    Please help, I am worried about my new fella.




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