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Thread: Summer Coat

  1. #1
    Ãœber Cat
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    Summer Coat

    Hi, not been on for a while so just catching up!

    I know that it's usual for MC's to shed their winter coats and thin it out for the summer months but is it usual to affect the tail also? Gracie has been shedding for a while now and I've noticed the last few weeks that her tail is looking a bit pathetic really. She used to have the huge 'brush' but now it's definitely more 'flowing' is the only way I can describe it! Is this normal?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel-C View Post
    Hi, not been on for a while so just catching up!

    I know that it's usual for MC's to shed their winter coats and thin it out for the summer months but is it usual to affect the tail also? Gracie has been shedding for a while now and I've noticed the last few weeks that her tail is looking a bit pathetic really. She used to have the huge 'brush' but now it's definitely more 'flowing' is the only way I can describe it! Is this normal?
    Not sure this helps, but Wicca's is definitely not thinning out, although she's moulting at a ridiculous rate (every time you stroke her, you get hairy palms). Freyja on the other hand was vigorously groomed a few weeks ago with a Furminator and her tail was reduced considerably - it's not 're-bushed' yet. So the change in weather is affecting both of mine but in different ways. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
    Karen, Freyja & Wicca

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to FreyjaRoMaine For This Useful Post:

    Rachel-C (26th April 2011)

  4. #3
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    Jiminy has just come into his summer coat and my blanket on the bed is seriously paying for it lol, we are having to rub it over with latex gloves everyday to remove all the fluff!!

    Jimmys tails has lost a bit of its poof but not much, its his belly fluff and neck that have shrunk the most, he looks like a ridiculously over sized kitten!!

    Each fur colour is made up differently, some are fluffier than others etc. I have a blue silver somali and she looks terrible when shedding, her tail goes pathetic too.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Charlibob For This Useful Post:

    Rachel-C (8th May 2011)

  6. #4
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Hi, I am new to the forum and having a Maine Coon but I recognise the tail thinning!. Our 11 month Maine Coon has also lost a lot of 'tail bushiness'. Hope this helps.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Red Tabby For This Useful Post:

    Rachel-C (8th May 2011)

  8. #5
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    Shimba & Welly lost theirs a couple of years ago & still waiting for full glory to return,the only two of mine that have never seemed to loose the full look are Bruce & Pansy,typical non showing cats,Merlyn never got his full plumage back until after he retired from showing,now it is a tail to be proud of,think he was about four when it returned....x

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

    Rachel-C (8th May 2011)




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