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13th June 2011, 10:07 AM #11
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Catslave: Teddy's seeming alright, thanks for you concern! No more accidents since I posted the thread - we've given him a little wet food this morning so we'll see what happens. He's been running around like a mentalist because Dave actually left the flat for work this morning. Teddy's not used to that at all! He tried to sneak into the porch after him.
I have a feeling he could have drank some milk out of Dave's cereal - he's forever trying to do that and Dave's stupid enough to leave his bowl sitting on the counter while he gets juice or something. I'm not sure! Would that have made him ill?
I meant to finish that previous post with 'I wanted to get a covered littler tray but our breeder said Teddy would grow too big and would end up looking like a tortoise.'
Helen - oh god! Haha! A couple I've fished out so far were pretty big - a bit like what our KCS doggie would have done! I'll inform Dave that things are only going to get bigger!
13th June 2011, 12:11 PM #12
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Your OH is gunna have to get over it wait until he finds a furball under his bare feet in the middle of the night
Try and not let your OH stress out Teddy, cats are very easily stressed and being so upset by it all could of made him sick, Tabitha is an extremely stressy cat and if something upsets her she'll be sick, she also over grooms so gets a lot of furballs!
Cows milk could of upset his belly or made him sick, no animals should drink milk after weaning, Tabitha always tries to get at cereal bowls or ice cream and Jimmy tries to drink our glasses of squash at night.
Jimmy used to stand on poops when we first got him, we wiped his feet with baby wipes but it did leave a bit of a pong on him so he had to have a bath whenever he did it.
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Stacey (21st June 2011)
17th June 2011, 01:50 PM #13
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I'm so sorry to bother you all again but Teddy's just been sick again.
All week he's been fine, his poos have been okay - not really firm but not super sloppy either. We started putting more litter in the tray and it seemed to keep him from getting mucky paws. The poops are quite a bit smellier than usual though which worries me.
We slowly introduced his food again and he was eating well until just now when he threw up his breakfast and lunch (immediately after eating his lunch). I don't think he's had any biscuits today. All I can think is that his wet food is too rich for him - would that be possible since he was eating it for three weeks and was fine?
Any advice is much appreciated!
17th June 2011, 03:24 PM #14
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Food could be a bit rich but as he has been fine for so long wouldn't think it is that, being the time of year it is would make me wonder if he is going to give you a nice hairball as a present,that could also make his poo a bit smellier,if he is pretty good in himself {although hairballs wipe a couple of mine out for 48hrs} go back to the basics again,light diet but if he does throw up a hairball you would be fine on normal diet,any unusual quietness though or worries a visit to the nice vet would be order of the day,nightmare aren't they,you could always just have a quick word with his breeder I know I used to fall back on my breeder friend a hell of a lot in early MC ownership days for reassurance & thats from someone who has worked at a vets umpteen years,still can't forget finding the lump on Merl & while I was waiting for hubby to get home so we could get him up to work I phoned my friend in tears,had him dead & buried because the lump just had to be cancerous at his young age didn't it...? She came rushing round with a good idea what it was after I had told her the position of it,vaccine reaction,what a plonker,work still won't let me forget the phone call I hade to make back to them but when its your own all common sense goes out the window & panic sets in,I am sure Teddy will be fine,might even have eaten brekkie too quick & threw it up & then being extra hungry done the same at lunch & ejected it even quicker,just give him water for a few hours & then perhaps try him with something really light later on,warn the OH there could be worse to come yet,bless...x
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Stacey (21st June 2011)
17th June 2011, 03:39 PM #15
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Well he did eat his lunch very quickly and then threw it up almost immediately along with his breakfast. On the carpet too - why do they always have to puke on the new carpet? We have lino in the kitchen...that would have been far easier to clean!
He doesn't seem to be out of sorts at all - he's sleeping just now but he usually sleeps around this time and then gets really playful around tea time until bed time.
His new cat tree arrived and he loves it - he's been running up and down it since being sick and playing with his new toys so I don't think anything is wrong aside from with his little tummy.
I'm completely unfamiliar with the hairball issue! My previous cats must have done theirs outside...What exactly happens to them!?
17th June 2011, 03:41 PM #16
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17th June 2011, 04:08 PM #17
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What would we do without our mums to back us up...?
Give me a time when a MC cat makes anything easy for you,thats why we have wooden & tiled floors throughout but even then because the hall floor is real wood it has the small gaps between & guess which floor mine prefer to puke up on,they will be sitting on tiles & run like hell to make sure they do it where you have to get something to go inbetween to get it all out but we still love them,just a good thing no one is around with a tape recorder to get the mutterings that go on while you are cleaning up especially if it is really late or you are just going out,! Bl***y cats,I'm fed up with you,I want a life back I am going to pack your bl***y bags & you can alllllll go,pi***d off with having to keep cleaning up behind you,can't even do a bl***y litter tray round without one of you coming straight behind & dirtying it up,don't know why I had any of you,mutter,mutter,mutter",then oh bless whats the matter does your poor tummy hurt,lets have a kiss & cuddle to make it allllll better,oh s**t the black dress you were then going out in needs to be changed,after of coure you have had another shower to get rid of the smell of puke...
Back to poor Teddy,does sound as if there is nothing too much to worry about,a lot of cats get hairballs due to taking in loose fur as they groom,if you are very lucky it just passes straight through no worries,some it builds up inside more,even then it can go straight through,some people who have had troubles with furballs in their cats use a paste which helps it on its way through the system,lubricates it ,others get to a point where they just vomit & you very often see the fur in it,sometimes its just a little other times it comes up tightly knitted together like a sausage,most of mine do it at least a couple of times a year but are fine,Bruce throws up one & it knocks him out for a day or two & poor Welly will sick up a bit of fluid & then go quiet,he will eat a meal & vomit up a bit of fur then normally within a couple of hours he will heave up a massive hairball that leaves him quiet for the next couple of days,what a super subject,hope you weren't going to have sausages for tea.Hopefully Teddy will be one of the lucky ones & not suffer furballs but....x
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17th June 2011, 06:02 PM #18
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Hmm. Back onto white fish for a while, maybe 3 or 4 meals ? Colley or pollock are both cheap - I just microwave it, crush it, cool it down (cold water on underside of metal bowl) and stuff the monsters until they burp
. It works great.
You may also find, if he is teething given you got him home older than the normal 12-13 weeks, that he is not properly chewing his food or something.
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Stacey (21st June 2011)
17th June 2011, 07:31 PM #19
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18th June 2011, 09:56 PM #20
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Thanks to everyone for the info - just a little update here.
He just threw up again. Right after eating. He's fine - running around and playing. This is starting to make me really concerned! No sloppy poos anymore - they're still pretty pongy though!
I've been out all day so Dave's been in charge - he didn't go and get any fish for him so he was just giving him biscuits (probably too many, Dave's a lot more generous than me)
I really hope it's nothing serious! We'll try him on some white fish tomorrow and see how he goes.