A big factor in my choosing a Maine Coon is how big they get; I love big cats! How big is yours and does he/she get a surprised reaction from people who visit your home?
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A big factor in my choosing a Maine Coon is how big they get; I love big cats! How big is yours and does he/she get a surprised reaction from people who visit your home?
Ours was 11lb at 8 months old, she is now 9, though she was snipped last week- so I am guessing she lost about 1oz of fur
Yep! Ours gets lots of compliments & questions & "woahs". She's over 14lbs now at 14 months.
Well, Hank weighs 2.54kg now which is about 5.4lbs. My brother in law came today and saw him for the first time and he said that he's bigger than his 12 year old moggy, *proud* he does look like a full grown domestic cat but you know he's only a kitten from his face ... bless...:kisses:
can't wait to get my boy... he's only little now... 5 weeks old.
Heheh, its gonna seem like an age waiting for him but Im sure once he is there.. time will start to pass really quickly. Feels like yesterday that we drove and picked ours up and yet now.. three weeks have gone past!
In terms of how big?
Loki (female) - at a size I would expect.
Storvenn (male) - growing by the hour :)
The difference between the two made me post on here and ask if there could be something wrong with Loki. Turns out its a male / female thing and thats just how some cats are. :)
This is Storvenn at 14 weeks.
Most people are very surprised when they see Willow (8,5 kgs) or Indy (7kgs). They are both adult Maine Coon males, and seem huge to most people who aren't used to seeing big cats like this. Especially Willow is quite impressive, and everyone who comes to visit can't help but saying how beautiful he is.
Esme is still a kitten, she weighs about 3kgs now. If she continues to grow as fast as she's doing now; and if she's going to take after her parents and grandparents, she's going to be a huge cat as well - even for a girl. If she follows her mother's and grandmother's example, she'll turn out to be about 6 to 7 kgs as well...:smile:
We have four MCs. The two girls are probably full grown now at just shy of 5 and 4 years old. The older one is 11.5-12lbs (5.3kg) while the younger is 13.5-14lbs (6.2kg). The two boys are still growing. The older one, 18mos, is around 18lbs (8.1kg). The younger one, 6mos, was 10lbs (4.5kg) a few weeks short of 6mos. From this you can see that the big males grow rapidly for the first months. I think that the older one was 12 lbs at 7-8mos., and you can see that he put on only 50% more in the following 10mos.
People do always think they are big, but we are used to them so they don't seem large to us anymore. When we took in our first MC mix, who was only 13.5-14lbs, we thought he was huge--as did everyone in the neighborhood. Now he would be nothing next to our big boy. Still, he was the neighborhood alpha male stray--beat up many cats before we took him in. The larger female goes outside with me (on leash) and people ooh and aah over her. One of our neighbors always says that she is the most beautiful cat she has ever seen. The brown tabbies look pretty spectacular when they are outside--something about the natural light makes them look more like wild cats.
I am quite surprised by the sizes,
I thought they took 4 years to reach eventual weight and height, ours is 11lb now at 9 months and it seems that she is not far off fully grown considering the replies on here,
I presumed she would keep going - do you think she will slow down quite a bit now and just fill out?
Does anyone know the average size of a female maine coon fully grown?
I've just heard from the breeder tonight and Gryfn at 5 weeks old is 600grams.
Just about 1/2 way down the page is an 'average weight' chart. Not sure how accurate it is, but its there :)
Maine Coon Cats
They definitely slow down. Our older male was around 12lbs at 8mos. and is now 18lbs at 18mos. Our female who is nearing age 4 added around 1.5lbs (<10%) between ages 2.5 and 3.5yrs. They tend to get very long and lean first and then fill out. Our 6mos male's rear feet are just as long as the 18mos old male's. They look in proportion on the older male--the kitten looks somewhat like a bunny (as the older male once did).
Your girl does sound large!
Beau just turned 8 years old and he weighs in at 19lbs! And yes, everyone always comments on how huge he is! Even though he's big and heavy, I don't think he's fat. His diet is pretty healthy and we don't give him a lot of treats so he can keep his figure & impress the ladies. :)
Our stud boy is 18 months old and weighs about 6 kg, our neuter boy is 6 months old and weighs 5.2kg, 3 of our girls range between 4.5-5.5kg and our younger one is around 4kg too I think.
Our kittens when they leave us at 13 weeks old are always around 2.2kg so very good sizes
Just got an email from my breeder to say my kitten was weighed yesterday at 13 weeks and is 2kg. Doesn't mean a thing to me but as long as he is healthy!
That's a very good weight so you should be pleased with that
My Fudge is only 4kg at the moment despite being 19 months old. We are feeding her up and I've been told by the vet that Royal Canin persian food is the best for weight gain. Does anyone have any other ideas as to what would help? She is so lovely but so underweight!
4 kg (nearly 9 lbs) is normal for some female MCs. Our 5 year old girl is 11.5 lbs. Is she really long and thin looking? They mainly just fill out after that age.
I get the feeling that Gryfn might be a big boy... I just heard from the breeder again today and at only 7 weeks old he is over 1kg and the biggest kitten in the litter...
What do you think?
Hi NCarver, yes she is log and thin! She has been bred from substantially before we got her as well so I think that everything she had went on producing kittens! I am pleased to hear that they start filling out from now on. That would be lovely!
Yes, I used it, too, was looking for Maine Coon that was very big and heavy. He is now I have. My boy today weighs 9 kg. But he was only 1 year and 10 months! :blush:
I suspect that owning a tiger is out of the question but, maybe an Ocelot weighing 25-35 pounds. Salvador Dali was often photographed with his pet ocelot lol*Roy [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocelot"]Ocelot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Ocelot.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Ocelot.jpg/220px-Ocelot.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/2/28/Ocelot.jpg/220px-Ocelot.jpg[/ame]