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Thread: Normal or just uncoordinated?

  1. #21
    Cool Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helen & John View Post
    I was starting to think my two are not cats as they are so not gracefull!! They trip, slide and slip! They are know as rampaging hippos when they start, bless them (or words to that effect).
    What's really hilarious is 2 Maine Coons chasing around on a freshly waxed floor, with their furry snow shoe paws they can't get any traction and slide all over the place.
    My Samantha liked to run and leap on to the wooden chair at my desk, once while I was cleaning I sprayed it with the furniture polish.
    Next time she ran up and leap onto the chair she slid right of the other side, as I watch laughing she gave me such a hurt look that said quite clearly "Papa how could you" that it stopped me in mid chuckle and I apologized for gaining amusement at her expense.
    Samantha was a wonderful cat, but she had a great sense of dignity.
    Last edited by cooncatbob; 20th October 2011 at 01:22 AM.

  2. #22
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    My Leo (how many are there? ) has had a ruff of sorts since forever and it's just getting bigger. (He's staring at me now in that "mad half hour" way...)

    The other two are not there yet but Dicky's face is starting to slow mature. Bertie is now the smallest and lightest - and he started as the tubby one. I look forward to their growth spurts over the next year and bug ruffs too!

  3. #23
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Well, my two are just the opposite. Hugo is the Instant Vertical Levitator, killer of Bunny fuzz toys, and all around Olympic athlete, and sadly he knows it. He struts he's stuff, and complains if I don't keep him flying through the air chasing this or that, to MY exhaustion.

    I must add: We rescued both of these beautiful People from our local humane society, they were estimated to be the same age about 2.5 months, their conditions however were vastly different at pickup time. Hugo was in fine fiddle at about 4 Lb all legs and energy, and hunting for Jam, MieMei However was 2.5 LB, had just been fixed, intestinal and lung worms (unknown at pickup), then immediately got a bad "cold." All of this added up to a situation bad enough that we had to take her in the wee hours of the night to Purdue Universities' Pet Emergency room. So 8 months later she weighs about 12 LB, is the kindest gentlest soul I have ever met, and couldn't walk 10 feet without nearly tripping over herself. But she is healthy.


    MeiMei, is just the opposite at play, where Hugo just slaps something out of the air "having done a 2.5 with a tuck" or hooks it in with his claws as it flies by, MieMie's timing and coordination is WAY off. To a large extent she has turned into, what I am calling an "opportunistic player", if it comes to her: "OH BOY let me at it, but once it is out of "I'm comfortable here and I don't wanna chase that dad, would you please bring it within reach please so I can tap it again, range she wont generally chase it.

    Not every cat is an Olympic star, but we love them all the same, more so, maybe, when they have overcome a bad start.

    need to post new Photos . . . .
    jckkerrison and Peter Galbavy like this.

  4. #24
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    I have two kittens of 11 months . The biggest -Silver is a walking diaster area because he still thinks he is three months old and hurtles about most of the time . The problem is he is very uncordinated becuse he is very long so stopping is difficult especially if you are close to 7.5 kg
    He is really quick in a straight line but things become hilarious as soon as he tries to change direction .He just cant turn like his very nimble smaller brother nero
    Nero definately knows this knows so when he gets chased ( which is often) he seems to deliberately run at things and swerve at the last minute . Silver cant stop of course and slides into them on a regular basis.
    This calms him down but only for about five minutes.

  5. #25
    Elite Cat
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    Basil is the same he is six months now. Until recently he hadn't worked the counter out. But then he discovered he can climb up legs.......that was short lived though as he found out if he jumps on the cooker doorhandle he can reach the bunker. Loud crashes in the middle of the night I have ear plugs now


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