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Thread: Nervous about first kitten

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Support Nervous about first kitten


    I'm just about to put a deposit on my first Maine Coon, and I am a little nervous about it.

    I absolutely adore the breed, and I have been reading up on best care practices and have even hand-made a cat gym, so I' most certainly serious about him being a new part of our family.

    I have spoken with the breeder, and she assures me that he loves people and the company of other animals (he befriended the other cats and the breeder's german shepherd instantly). However, I am worried about the impact he might have on my current household.

    My housemates (a couple) have their own cat, an 8 month old Rag Doll whom we all adore and love. Lately he has seemed bored and clingy when we all leave for work (and when my own partner who does shift work is also away, he likes to chew on things) and I thought he might need a friend. I just worry that I am wrong, and he will withdraw and change and think no-one loves him. I'd hate for that to happen. He is a very, very placid nice cat and I hold hope that he would accept another and get along.

    I would just like to know the experiences of other users here - have you been able to successfully introduce a new Maine Coon into your household with other pets? And are the well behaved kittens? Thanks so much.

  2. #2
    Cool Cat
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    Hi Zombiehunter (love your name by the way)I'm a fairly new Maine Coon owner myself, deciding to take the plunge in February of the year. I too was worried about introducing Kitten (our MC's name) to our 2 year old very small and quiet moggie. I needn't have worried. After about a day of mock territory marking by the moggie - the two at first tolerated one another (I was sure to respect the 2 year old's seniority - fed her first etc and gave her lots of attention) - to them after a few weeks becoming the best of friends. This is much easier if you are introducing another cat as a kitten. I find it so sweet the way the two lie together at night, and how my MC regularly licks my moggie. MCs really do have a wonderful disposition and would think they would be one of the best breeds to introduce as a second cat in the home. I'm sure your MC kitten will provide a genuine playmate for the Rag Doll. Can't wait to see the photos and wish you luck xx

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to brightlight23 For This Useful Post:

    ZombieHunter (27th October 2011)

  4. #3
    Über Cat
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    I would agree , mine are very good (most of the time ) with my now ancient moggie .... her tail is a bit of a draw for them when it twiches like a toy!!!! but other than that they have been very good with her.. they do follow her around and they do try to snuggle up with her and groom her but mostly they leave her to her own devices, obviously with one it will be slightly different but they are very chilled loving breed so all should be fine.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to H&SWells For This Useful Post:

    ZombieHunter (27th October 2011)

  6. #4
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    Hey. I have a 23 week old coonie who I introduced to my 5yr old girl and 4yr old boy (girl is Siamese x and boy is domestic short hair). Kitten was fine, he loved his big bro and sis. Both adult cats were a bit funny at first. Bit of hissing and running away. My adult boy was fine within a few hours and adult girl took about 4-4 days to come around completely. They are now the best of friends.

    Yes noses will be put out but you just have to sit back and let them get to know each other. Plenty of love and attention to the older cat but you have to allow the kitten to explore his new home and let the adult cat get over any annoyance it may have.

    When I first introduced my adult boy to my adult girl all those years ago they had love at first sight, so it depends on the cats I guess. Probably also depends on if the other cat is neutered. Hopefully it is because entire animals will scent mark and that can cause fights. Might be worth desexing older cat if it isn't already. I'm assuming kitten will be desexed. May also need to put down another litter tray.

    Don't worry too much, they will work themselves out. If older cat wants to hiss and hide under the bed for 5 hours then that's fine, let it. It just needs to adjust.

    Good luck!!!
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  7. #5
    Active Cat
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    Oops meant to write 3-4 days not 4-4

  8. #6
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Oh lordy...thank you for the replies everyone, I really appreciate it.

    Well, we picked up my kitten yesterday and unfortunately the initial greeting between the two cats wasn't very good.

    The Ragdoll hissed a lot, and they took swipes at each other (they are both male and desexed).

    We separated them for meals and sleep time, and they don't share a litter box...not that the kitten has gone to the toilet yet which worries me.

    The thing I am most upset about is the Ragdoll has just become withdrawn and upset, and this breaks my heart. He won't look at his owners and keep flicking his tail.

    It is just the first 24 hours, but I really hope this improves soon - I would love them to be friends and I couldn't bear the thought of the Ragdoll's personality changing because of my decision.

    I'll keep you updated I guess

  9. #7
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    Hi there
    Congratulations on your new kitten!
    Try not to worry about the hissing, it's very early days yet.
    Give them lots of individual attention and be very calm around them (I know it's hard!)
    They will pick up on your stress so try to give out calm and unruffled vibes.
    Hopefully then they will soon get the idea and stop being so hostile. They might even become friends!

    And we need pictures! x

  10. #8
    Cool Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZombieHunter View Post
    Oh lordy...thank you for the replies everyone, I really appreciate it.

    Well, we picked up my kitten yesterday and unfortunately the initial greeting between the two cats wasn't very good.

    The Ragdoll hissed a lot, and they took swipes at each other (they are both male and desexed).

    We separated them for meals and sleep time, and they don't share a litter box...not that the kitten has gone to the toilet yet which worries me.

    The thing I am most upset about is the Ragdoll has just become withdrawn and upset, and this breaks my heart. He won't look at his owners and keep flicking his tail.

    It is just the first 24 hours, but I really hope this improves soon - I would love them to be friends and I couldn't bear the thought of the Ragdoll's personality changing because of my decision.

    I'll keep you updated I guess

    You need to do a proper introduction.
    Cat-to-Cat Introductions | Little Big Cat

  11. #9
    Cool Cat
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    Don't panic about the hissing and bad moods. It's to be expected, and most introductions look like that no matter how gently you do it. Is the Ragdoll still playful? He's only 8 months and I wonder if bringing out a couple of toys and playing with both the kittens together might help.

    Time is the biggest factor and I reckon it will take at least 72 hours for your kitties to fully adjust, and probably it will take longer for the natural homeostasis. A couple of years ago when my housemate bought a kitten home my 2 cats sat outside the patio doors for a full week! They would stare in with depressed looks on their faces and would come in to eat and then leave again. It was in the second week that my eldest cat and the kitten became best of friends. Thankfully introducing my MC's to the family has been much easier as their personality is so adorable, it's very hard for anyone/anything to resist them!! That said I believe there is a thread here when I had my own panic when introducing my 2nd MC to the mix...

    Good luck

  12. #10
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Bethy_boo - the Ragdoll is still playful, and they seem to be playing but still biting and hissing when they get the chance. Though it does seem to be improving a little each day.

    This probably isn't the right place to ask, but the Ragdoll was moody before we ever brought the MC home...he went from being extremely clingy to quite stand offish. Do cats go through phases like this?


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