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2nd June 2014, 03:55 PM #1
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Can a Tarnished Silver Classic Maine Coon Become "Untarnished"?
Hi, everyone.
We just got a new Maine Coon kitten two months ago. She arrived home at 14 weeks, and was a beautiful silver with lots of white. Her breeder described her as a silver classic with high white. Her coat was initially a clear black and white. Over the last few weeks, however, her black stripes have turned brown and the formerly white or silver areas of the coat are either cream, brown, or a strange brindle color.
I talked to the breeder, and she told me that my kitty is showing signs of tarnish-- and that the colors may stay or revert back to their original black and white. I read up a little about this and it appears that silvers mated with brown tabbies often produced tarnished silver offspring. My kitty's parents are a brown classic tabby and a silver classic tabby. I've not come across any instance of a tarnished silver reverting back to its original colors.
I'm a little sad, as I'd really wanted a silver Maine Coon. However, we are now emotionally attached to our kitty, who is in all other ways a wonderful Maine Coon, with a fantastic personality. Has anyone heard of a tarnished silver Maine Coon becoming "untarnished" as it gets older?
Also, do you think the breeder should have warned us that the kitty would not remain a pure silver? I'm feeling a bit misled.
6th June 2014, 01:09 PM #2
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What a shame you have not achieved the colour of kitten you really wanted. I have a silver tabby girl, who was also very distinctly silver when she came home with us at 16 weeks, but gradually she became grubby looking, and has remained that way ever since. She is now 6 and is a very much loved pet, but I understand your disappointment.
Mating silvers and blue silvers with red keeps the silver clear and clean, introducing brown will lead to the discolouration, I understand, though not always. As a breeder, it is not easy to predict the final adult colouring of some kittens as they can change as they grow and develop. Your breeder may have had other silver kittens that remained silver, or had kittens that became tarnished, but are still classified as silver. Not all owners keep in touch with their kittens' breeder, so finding out how the kittens develop can be problematic. I have no idea whether it is possible to reduce or remove the tarnish with a change in diet, for instance. That would be interesting to find out.
10th June 2014, 12:47 AM #3
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Thanks so much, Musicalife, for sharing your experience. I wish I had known that mating browns and silvers can result in tarnishing. However, I'm still very much in love with our MC. She is such a hilarious, sweet, loving kitty.
8th July 2014, 11:09 PM #4
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Sid's Dad is a classic silver and is Mum is solid chocolate. He is dark grey with silver stripes but dies look distinctly grubby at certain times if the year - his full coat is sort of tinged with brown/mange but once he starts to moult and we FURMINATE him, he reverts to a two-tone black and silver mackerel tabby, with a bit of cream around his face. So, maybe you'll get different cats?
27th October 2014, 11:36 AM #5
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Just seen this thread and thought I'd share our experiences of 2 of our 5 coonies. When we got Bran he was registered as a brown tabby (parents are a blue solid and tortie tabby). His breeders thought he was a cold brown tabby. We loved his dark brown colouring and copper eyes and he has indeed turned out to be a very striking cat. We started showing this year, and took Bran along to a show in the SLH section. He was awarded a Premier certificate, but an experienced judge in a side class said he was the wrong colour and took the time to explain to us and the breeders (who were also at the show) why she thought this - she was lovely.
Her opinion was that he's a very heavily tarnished silver tabby and would probably lose out to other brown tabbies in the SLH section. We were really interested as we've always wondered why he didn't have the same cream/beige underparts like other brown tabbies. She recommended we show him in the Pedigree Pets section, which we did this Saturday. He won 2 Best in Colours at the double show!
In the meantime, we've got another silver tabby who is now 6 months old. Wolfie's parents are a red tabby and a blue tortie smoke. He is a very clear silver classic tabby, and when you see the 2 of them together, Bran and Wolfie look very much alike (they are related anyway). The only difference is Bran is MUCH darker and his dark silver is more like a dark brown. Bran definitely did not look like a silver tabby as a baby.
At some point I'll probably apply to have his colour officially changed on his paperwork, but he is such a gorgeous cat that it doesn't matter at all that the colour was wrongly registered initially - we were looking for a brown tabby. Maine Coon kittens go to their new homes at 12 weeks and I think it can be very difficult to get the colour right. I've seen a fair few instances of colour changing - red tabby/red self, blue/blue silver, red silver tabby/red silver shaded. They take so long to develop to maturity that I guess sometimes people get the colour wrong.
17th February 2015, 07:51 PM #6
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