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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    May 2015
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    Advice about a newly adopted grown Main Coon

    Hi everyone!

    I have adopted a fully grown (7 years old) male Maine Coon, and was hoping to get some advice. He's not from a shelter, but a loving family who unfortunately had to give him up because a new baby in the family was allergic to.cats
    He has been taken good care of, and is very patient and good tempered.
    BUT, this has of course been very stressful for him. Changing homes, environment, all the people around him. The first day he let me be around him all the time, and didn't object to cuddling, but the last two days he has found a shelf on the ground in a corner and withdrawn into it. He doesn't eat much, and is very inactive and quite. We're of course giving him space because he needs to adapt, but I'm getting a little worried.

    I've never had a Maine Coon cat before (they are absolutely gorgeous by the way), so I'm not really sure how to proceed!? Do I just let him be, and let him take his own time and come to me, or should seek more physical contact with him?? Like I said, he has been very patient, but he doesn't seem to want to be disrupted in his safe-corner. He has hissed and kind slapped me on the hand a couple of times, so I just let him be. Is this normal? And if so, how long should I expect the adaption period to last? Any advice about how to make him feel safe and relaxed would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Thanked 675 Times in 648 Posts
    Let him have his space but try interacting with him , has he got a favourite toy that you could try get his attention with ? He sounds as if suddenly he has been hit with the fact that he is in a different home but I am sure given time he will come round as MC's are very sociable so keep talking to him while you are working about the room,tell him he is a good boy whenever he does anything,see if he will eat something as a treat our lot love dreamies,there is a diffuser plug called feliway which can help with problems but I honestly think a lot of understanding of his position will pay its own reward, I am sure he will come round to wanting your fuss & attention again,could be a few days could be a few weeks but just give him time to get his head round the




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