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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Vancouver, CA
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    Is my new 8 month old boy part Maine Coon?

    Is my  new 8 month old boy part Maine Coon?-10375568_1576669199313136_1421586303_n.jpgIs my  new 8 month old boy part Maine Coon?-12826065_1158927227460086_240211759_n.jpgIs my  new 8 month old boy part Maine Coon?-12826319_1273635729316683_429906260_n.jpgIs my  new 8 month old boy part Maine Coon?-bb8a57ff-abcd-4459-8daf-bdae6ea0eff0.jpg
    He's turning 8 months end of this month I believe. Got him from these random people on a local ad that were getting evicted because they weren't allowed cats (Ugh).
    They posted him as a maine coon but his head is supper tabby like so they said he's a mix. I have no idea now and had to take him to vet to get work done since I had no idea if they had ever given him a checkup or shots!
    He's a healthy happy boy though, and very self assured. Took him all of 5 minutes in our place to get comfortable and friendly.
    What do you guys think? He's almost 12 Lbs now but he could stand to lose a tiny bit says vet.



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