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  1. #6
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanked 43 Times in 33 Posts
    Heheh, glad to see its not only me thats having / had this problem.
    What I have learned is:- If they wake you, and you then go downstairs to feed them / play with them / show them attention etc... They will view this as a reward. This only leads to more 'wake ups' as they think they will get something each time woken up. I ended up having a permanent furry alarm clock for 1am & 7am and every hour inbetween.

    Storvenn, the heavyweight wakeup call that he is, liked to jump onto my chest and meow into my face. I used to ignore him, but this only lead to me then getting pawd, then paw'd harder and then nipped on the ear/nose/face until I couldnt ignore him.
    What Ive started doing recently (a month ago), and which is gradually working better and better is to blow gently in his face. He doesnt like it and after 2 or 3 blows either lies on the bed next to me or goes off to do 'something else'. current problem is that sometimes during the night we awake to the now familiar sound of THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP as two cats accelerate up the stairs at mind blowing speeds, only to traverse the open bedroom door in a kamakazi like leap of faith towards our bed.
    Usually ends up with my wife getting her head 'run over' in an instant as Loki, chased by Storvenn, career over the top of the duvet and then over her head, only to disappear out the door before you can say "whats the noisOW!!!".




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