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  1. #7
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Thanked 66 Times in 58 Posts
    I think you may have to think about getting him a playmate. I'm not sure what time Simba wakes up. His favourate place to sleep at the moment is in my son's room, second choice my room. Daughter has banned him from her room and shuts her door. Son throws him out some mornings as he keeps grabbing his feet, with claws But generally when I wake he is playing with Elsa or Maggie or both. When I set the alarm during the week I have to be up early and I am awake before him or the dogs - these are generally quiet mornings as they stay asleep while I have a shower and then follow me downstairs bleary eyed. It must be hard for you if you are trying to let your husband sleep and not wake neighbours but I think generally ignoring him will work best. If you hold out, he will get the idea eventually but you will have to prepare yourself for some kitten tantrums. Not sure what the peeing in his cage is - maybe he wants to make sure you don't put him in there again




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