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  1. #7
    Top Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    Don't you just love that Simons cat,I had the book bought me for Christmas & like the film clips you can just associate with it,makes you giggle how ever often you watch them.
    Do you think he might be broken of the "habit" by the time he comes back from the cattery or perhaps that is when you will have to once again "try" to be strong & ignore him for a couple of days,just warn the neighbours & hide anyhting he could hit you round the head with....!
    I've always loved Simon's Cat, it's amazing how real it actually is

    I was actually thinking that a good break in the cattery might help with his habit of getting up early. Unfortunantly we don't have a spare room to put him in at the moment. We had hoped to move to a bigger place but with the state of the Irish economy and property prices plunging, we won't get too much for our gaff. so we will have to wait for another while

    Getting him another playmate is a great idea but again we probably don't have enough room for a second bundle of fluff.

    Anyhow it's good to hear I'm not the only person whose kitty wakes early. Now if I can just get him to lie it until 6.30 am I'd be very happy




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