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  1. #1
    Active Cat
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    Crazy cats!!!

    Hi and welcome to the forum

    I agree with the other comments from everyone else. When my coonies were babies they would play peekaboo with the most sinister little looks on their faces!!! And more to the point at 20 months old they still act like crazy cats when they want to!!! They always wag their tails when they are in attack mode and mine love to do this when the post comes through the door- just like dogs

    They do love to play and I can never belive how much energy they have! We have natural floorboards on the stairs and in the hallway and wow do they make a noise on this!!! A herd of elephants is the closest way to describe it If we have guests over they cannot believe the noise...

    Can't wait to see the pics of your new MC kitty.

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    I'd say she sounds very normal too. Simba had moments when he was younger when he looked quite wild. He'd wait at the bottom of the stairs and flatten his ears if he saw you at the top, then if you hid he would charge up after you. I think my two sons made this worse as they enjoyed it and often played along with him, getting scratched along the way. I know what you mean by un-nerving though but it is just play. Hunting is a natural instinct and kittens practice this through play. I learnt it was best to ignore Simba when he was in one of his mad moods cos you just got scratched or bitten if you tried to stroke him He also had mad fits around the house and ran up and down the curtains. Other times though he is calm and sweet. This happens less now, mostly because he gets rid of his energy in the garden. I've seen him run around like a mad thing out there, he ambushes the dogs, attacks any flying insects and he has even started running up - yes running up- the trees. After a day outside he sleeps like a baby all evening and I think (cos I don't hear him) all night.

    To be honest though after getting through two large dogs as puppies, Simba is a breeze

    Welcome to the forum.

  3. #3
    Top Cat
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    Jan 2010
    Western Australia
    Thanked 63 Times in 59 Posts
    yes Gryfn goes flying up the posts in the cat run!

    But they're good boys and sleep all night!




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