older maine coon wanted
Hello everyone
I am looking for an older Maine Coon to keep my 16 month old black smoke boy company.
Having lost a year old Maine coon earlier this year to suspected Hcm, I'm not ready to take on a young kitten, but my remaining boy is missing his big brother. He is an indoor cat until such time as I get round to building a pen in the garden.
I have 3 Large breed dogs who all get on well with cats as have been raised with them.
If you know anyone who is looking to rehome someone please bear me in mind.
Please drop me a message if you have any questions
Where do you live ,because we have a 4 year old retired breeding queen. She is neutred now and ready to go to a new good home, we live in Ireland.
She has genetic test for HCM n/n she is friendly to dogs and cats as she lives with a dog and cats.
oops sorry knew I would forget something! think I'm a bit far from you, I live in Bedfordshire, East of England.
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