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Thread: What do you like ?

  1. #11
    Cool Cat
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    May 2012
    Phoenix, AZ
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    Jckkerrison - you retire tomorrow? Congrats! I will look forward to hearing about your next chapter. New hobbies, travel and time with your MC crew, what could be better? Btw, what is an allotment? Again. Cheers for a happy retirement!
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by KimAZ View Post
    Jckkerrison - you retire tomorrow? Congrats! I will look forward to hearing about your next chapter. New hobbies, travel and time with your MC crew, what could be better? Btw, what is an allotment? Again. Cheers for a happy retirement!
    An allotment is a patch of ground away from your house where you can grow your veggies etc,we have a couple of areas on the outskirts of our town that have been put aside for this type of thing & you rent your patch from the council,with food prices going up they have now got quite a long waiting list of people wanting to take one on,ideal as it means it gets the man of your life out of the way for a while & also gives him a break from you..... & yes we do have an annual fruit & veg show but OH has never entered he just goes round saying "well my carrots were bigger than those"etc,perhaps now he can give it a go.......
    Sorry Chris my grammar weren't what it should have been,horsey days are over.....!!!!! Will let you know where I have been for sun once home,well hoping we get some,who knows nowadays.
    We do travel a fair distance for shows although we do only Felis Brittanica, mostly it is between 2.5 & 3hrs to get to one but we have been known to be mad & travel further,I agree it is a good place to go along too & see the different breeds of cats & get to know about them,my Merlyn RIP & now Shimba always lay out of the pen & just love the attention they get,both of them have been good "sales reps" for their breed,when someone sees a 10kg + brown tabby glaring at them they can't believe that by giving it a scratch behind the ear it will become a quivering purring headbutting mess of jelly for them,just luv it....x
    JanieB and KimAZ like this.

  3. #13
    Top Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    Sorry Chris my grammar weren't what it should have been,horsey days are over.....!!!!! Will let you know where I have been for sun once home,well hoping we get some,who knows nowadays.
    We do travel a fair distance for shows although we do only Felis Brittanica, mostly it is between 2.5 & 3hrs to get to one but we have been known to be mad & travel further,I agree it is a good place to go along too & see the different breeds of cats & get to know about them,my Merlyn RIP & now Shimba always lay out of the pen & just love the attention they get,both of them have been good "sales reps" for their breed,when someone sees a 10kg + brown tabby glaring at them they can't believe that by giving it a scratch behind the ear it will become a quivering purring headbutting mess of jelly for them,just luv it....x
    Aw you had my hopes up there I thought it would be nice a wee foal on the way !!! lol

    You have just described my first contact with a MC, that is just exactly how I felt when I met my first one (well any others to) but especially my first. I was so taken and in awe. x
    Chris X

    "a cats eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world"


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