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Thread: i tawt i taw a puddy tat

  1. #21
    Top Cat
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    Nov 2012
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    hi everyone - well as you know I'm back home to the Monster Pirate, who sneakily grew even bigger while I was away, and now I am worried again.
    First, from time to time, for no reason at all, Neevie starts hissing and growling. If we pick her up she's ok. Not sure if she's being territorial again or if she's hurting somewhere? I'll see how it goes over the week end and then I'll take her to the vet if problems. I noticed a few spots of matted hair which I promptly cut off and groomed, may be that was what was bothering her.
    Then today my friend came to see us, since I was in the garden she went in a few times to pick up some things, and she said that while I wasn't there, the Pirate was growling at her, and following her around like a tiger stalking its prey, like she thought my friend was up to no good... My friend has look after Neevie a few times, so the fact that Neevie is still behaving funny when someone she's not used to is in her territory doesn't bode well for Lili-Puss!
    I guess we'll have to be extra careful if she comes here, introduce them slowly?

    What do you think everyone? have you ever heard of a maine coon female being so territorial that she would maim a kitten?

    Also, my mum's cat, who is an old dear, (13 years I believe), and extremely crabby, so much so that only my mum can approach her, is not happy with Lili being in her territory at the moment. Bernie (the old dear) actually is avoiding home, and even refusing to feed herself as a protest while this little flee is intruding on her territory (which suits Lili to the gound, while Bernie is away she's very happy to have a nap on Bernie's blanket on her behalf, eat in Bernie's bowl, and even poo in Bernie's litter even though she has her own) SO.... bit worried in case the Monster turns out to be as bonkers... Then again, it could be love at first sight, which would be just grand!
    Last edited by Alekto; 26th July 2013 at 04:26 PM.


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